Yamaha PSR s500/s550

Does PSR s550/s550 has dotted display for beats (Beat Measure Blinking ligth for each beat count) .If not is there any other model in this range with this functionality.

Thanks - Raj

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Jun 14, 2011
S500 + Tabla styles loading
by: Player

Hi All

Can you plz let me know how to load and save the tabla styles (.sty files) thru flash drive. I have flash drive with .sty files copied.

Appreciate your support in this regard !


Jan 27, 2011
USB not working on Yamaha PSR S-500
by: Jenise


I have just bought Yamaha PSR S-500. I cant play sounds from my USB. Please assist. (jenise@rediffmail.com)


Jun 06, 2010
Registration in freeze
by: Emmanuel

I hope all are fine...
In PSR S550B we can register in the song mode after that while changing registration memory styles won't change...
Please tell can we load voice to PSR S550B...?
If can then how...?
My Mail ID

May 25, 2010
Yamaha PSR S910, S710, S550 Tabla Style Available For Online Sale
by: Anonymous

Grand midi music sale by Raga Tracks.

Purchase 116 Indian midi music of website in 200 USD.

Purchase 70 Pakistani midi music of website in 100 USD.

Demo midi is available in the website. Click the link below to see list:



Following standard professional styles are available specially for PSR S910, PSR S-710 & PSR S-550 with real Tabla Dholak voice.

1. Single dadra with full 4 pattern A, B, C, D, 4 Fillers, 3 intro, 3 end one break
2. Double dadra with full 4 pattern A, B, C, D, 4 Fillers, 3 intro, 3 end one break
3. Single kehrva with full 4 pattern A, B, C, D, 4 Fillers, 3 intro, 3 end one break
4. Double kehrva with full 4 pattern A, B, C, D, 4 Fillers, 3 intro, 3 end one break
5. Rupak with A, B pattern, one intro, one break one end
6. Chanchal with A, B pattern, two intro, one break, 1 end
7. Jhaptaal with only pattern A, one intro, one filler, one break
8. Teen Taal with only pattern A, one intro, one filler, one break
9. Ik Taal with only pattern A, one intro, one filler, one break
10. Dandia with full 4 pattern, 3 intro, 3 end, 4 filler, one break
11. Bhangra with full 4 pattern, 2 multi pads, 3 intro, 3 end, 4 fillers
12. Sitar Khani with only pattern A, one intro, one filler, one break
13. Qwali with A and B pattern, one intro, 2 fillers, one end, one break
14 Dhamaal with A and B pattern, one intro, 2 fillers, one end
15 Pashto with Pattern A and B, one intro, 2 fillers, one break

Click the link below to purchase online through credit card:



For on demand karaoke and midi music visit www.ragatracks.com

Najib Khan
Admin. Ragatracks Productions

Sep 17, 2009
yamaha s550b style freez
by: mushtaq

hi raj,
this is mushtaq from karachi pakistan, hope u ll be fine.
i have purchased yamaha s550b but as a new version i am facing problums about style freezing mean when i change any voice from registration bank rythum is also change with voice.
how can i freez style.plz help me (a.mushtaqali@yahoo.com) or (a.mushtaqali@yahoo.com.au)

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