Yamaha PSR 520 won't power up past a second, even with new batteries

I've installed new batteries and all of the sudden, it won't power on...it comes on for a brief moment, and then the LCD display goes black and the instrument quits? HELP!

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Feb 10, 2012
Broken power connectors on PSR Keyboards
by: Yamaha Keyboardist

Hi all...

A common problem for 'pre-PSR1000/2000' series like my own PSR-740 - is the 12 volt power jack on the back panel...
What holds it in place is JUST THE SOLDER JOINT!...Generally, if you melt the solder (add a bit if necessary, but NOT ACID CORE...ONLY use 'electrical solder')...you can restore the power connector to operation.
But the mounting for all the jacks is the same...What I did was surround the square 'jack housing' with some clear silicone...basically, 'gluing' the connector assembly to the circuit board...BUT, make sure you fix any problems with the solder joints FIRST!!
good luck!
Yamaha Keyboardist (since 1978!)

May 18, 2011
fixed power issue
by: carson

i found out that it was a bad solder joint on my board. i reheated the soldier where the plug for the power cord on the board is and it works just fine. just thought i should update this for anyone having the same issue.

May 18, 2011
yamaha s550b display module reference part number

Let me know the yamaha s550b display module reference part number which was asked by who supply the spare part since the said module has been broken accidentally.


Dec 24, 2009
by: Antonio

The PSR-160 was drop and will not display the LCD or power up.

May 08, 2009
Same Issue
by: carson.reed@gmail.com

I'm having a similar problem with my E403 model. Now mine wont even turn on. I dont have a warenty anymore so I can't get it fix with out getting charged.

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