Yamaha PSR 292 Loud Key

by David McCanna
(Sylvania OH USA)

I know it is an older model but was led to believe it was a very popular one. I have searched this group and cannot find any questions or answers for this model. One issue I am having (I think) is the G up from middle C appears to be louder and possibly even a different voice. I say appears as I do have hearing problems and it may be my ears. If this is a common issue what can I do to make it better? If it is a setting that the previous owner may have done is there a way to return the keyboard to "factory settings"? Yes I did print out the manual and no I cannot find that information in it.

Yes I am a very new newbie!

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Sep 22, 2017
by: David McCanna

UPDATE: My music teacher got a chance to play the Keyboard and agreed that it had a major problem and we discovered it also liked to turn on accompaniment all by itself . I took it back to the dealer who refunded my money and I then purchased a PSR E2263 YPT-260. So far very happy. I know it doesn't have the keys like a piano but since my only keyboard experience was with an Organ that is ok for me. If I amaze myself and catch on then I can always trade up!

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