yamaha p 250

by jacob
(new hyde park ny)

how to remove side panel of yamaha p 250

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Oct 21, 2020
Dear anonymous
by: Anonymous

It seems that this is a Factory issue, about which Yamaha keeps in secret and totally silence! No answer for this issue from them!
The official service department's answer was to buy an other and keep it for replacement parts!
For me to be professional means work for money, not to have knowledge and help others with this!
Once they sold an item after 2 years of warranty period the name and type must be deleted or covered up with a black paint!
They do not deserve to show the name of the company who made the P250.
Everybody is living on his own!
I bought on eBay a PF500 mainboard. Basicaly is the same (also the same changeable connectors), but some buttons have other functions or not working (but it has a metronome that P250 doesn't have).
It cost me about 50EUR.
I made the replacement! So I succeded to make what the service guys couldn't! Please believe me, I wrote to Japan, US, Europe, Romania service departments! Nobody has the knowledge to make this repairing!)
So now I'm happy and I use this marvelous Noname instrument! It's a P250 like the Yamaha same name motorcycle!!
Brumm, brumm, Aloha!

Aug 17, 2020
Yamaha P250 freezing at boot
by: Anonymous

Hi, did you eventually find a solution to your p250 freezing and coming up after 50mins? I currently have the same problem right now.

Mar 19, 2020
Help needed
by: Csaba Langer

Dear Jacob

I have an Yamaha P250 piano with the following problem. When I power it up it does not complete the startup procedure it got freeze at the ***Please wait **
screen. After 50 minutes it starts normally and i can use it but without any saving operation when it got freeze again.

I have the service manual also.
The test program nr 37 also got freeze.

It makes the factory reset but it got freeze also during it. I changed the condensers (C226, C276, ) from the FlashRom powering circuits. Nothing happened.

Maybe you can help me with some ideas! Thank you.

I don't earn any money with this instrument cose I play on it to praise the Lord in local churches.

God bless you and your beloved!

Best regards

Csaba Langer

Jul 16, 2010
Side Panel Removal Yamaha P250
by: Alfred

Dear Jacob: This Forum is not an arm of the Yamaha Corp., and unfortunately we have no access to Service Manuals. The info you seek is likely to be in the service manual for the P250. Sorry.
We thank you for your visit and hope you'll come back with comments/questions related to the OPERATION of your unit and provide us with the opportunity to help. Keep well.

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Yamaha P250 pedal won't sustain

by micki
(Washington State)

When I press down on my sustain pedal on my Yamaha P250, it doesn't sustain. I've had this problem before and it had to do with the order that I plugged in the keyboard, the pedal and turned the power on. I have tried every thing and it still won't work. Does anyone know the secret? I think the pedal still works, because if I plug everything in a different order, then I get sustain all the time....so confusing..help!

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Jul 30, 2011
my pedal won't sustain either
by: Anonymous

I have had this same problem over the years and now it has stopped working completely. Will buying a new pedal help or is it an electrical problem?

Mar 07, 2010
Sustain Pedal
by: Alfred


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replacing damaged key - Yamaha p250

by mike
(lisbon iowa usa)

I caught the top of the key on a fingernail while putting the Yamaha p250 in a case. That damaged the key and it is sticking. I opened the case and can see a split in the plastic. What is a procedure for removing and replacing key?

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Apr 23, 2014
by: Wim

Is there a plac where I can find the details re the steps needed to open the Keyboard and replace the Key?

Dec 17, 2009
Yamaha P 250 Key Replacement
by: Alfred

Dear Mike: Your message came as a very pleasant surprise, and I could not be happier to learn of your success in changing the key! If you care to share your Christmas spirit, and considering your professional expertise, could I please abuse of your kindness and request that you favor this Forum with the details re the steps needed to open the Keyboard and replace the Key? Other members (including me) will learn from your experience and disseminate the good news. Thank you in advance, and have a Happy Holiday & Prosperous 2010.

Dec 17, 2009
key replacement
by: mike

Thanks for your input... but I met a very
qualified Yamaha piano technician at a local dealer who was filled with the christmas spirit. He offered to repair keyboard through the store ind time frame of 2 weeks. When I explained that I needed it for gigging this weekend he offered the information I needed to replace the key... I must explain that I am an engineer/technician for an aircraft instrumentation company and involved the piano technician in a technically detailed conversation. When he sensed that I could handle the repair he explained the procedure. I had ordered the part overnight and made the repair the following day. Yamaha makes the best electronic grands. thanks

Dec 17, 2009
Replacing Damaged Key
by: Alfred

Dear Mike: I am not familiar with your unit, and cannot guide you as to the procedure required to access and replace the key. I suggest you first read my comments re opening keyboards (see Q & A title to the left of this message. and if you disagree, and wish to DIY, you can go to the Yamaha main site where I believe you can seek help from their technical department.

I'm unable to provide the guidance you need, as to do so, one has to be a qualified technician in (all??) Yamaha Keyboards. This Forum is generally for comments related to "non-invasive" (keyboard opening)procedures. You may encounter a member who has the technical experience to come to your aid, but short of that, I recommend you consider my above recommendation. Good luck.

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Yamaha P250 - input power supply requirement

by David
(Durban South Africa)

I wish to run my Yamaha P250 off an inverter supplied by a 12V battery. This for street busking.

I need to know the size of the inverter to use.



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Dec 19, 2010
Related Question
by: Anonymous

This seems to relate to mny question about how powerful a step down transformer i would need to run my p-100 in a 220v country. Can I assume that if 50Watts is enough, a transformer handling 250 watts would be more than enough?

Jun 22, 2010
Busking with Yamaha P250
by: Alfred

Dear David: Your question appears to be one not frequently discussed in this Forum. I?ve had no experience with inverters, but in a quick sweep of the Internet I located a site indicating an ample (estimated) 50 WATTS. Maybe this helps. Hopefully some other better-informed member(s) will soon come up with a timely reply. Good luck.

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How to change keys of Yamaha p250

by Sab

The keys have started to get jammed and stuck on my p-250 so im just wondering if anyone could let me know how to fix these? can i take the keys off and get replacements and if so how do u do this?or is there another way to fix the problem? Thankyou

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Nov 17, 2009
Sticking key
by: Dick Rector

Hi Sab,

My words! Congratulations, without doubt the best solution and well done Yamaha.


Nov 17, 2009
Yamaha P250
by: Alfred

Dear Sab: Thanks for follow-up post, and congratulations on Yamaha's action. Your pleasure shows in your message, and we hope you continue enjoying yourt P250 for a long time.

Nov 17, 2009
by: Sab

Hey guys,
thanks for your advice but in the end i called yamaha. After they checked the serial number of my p250 they said that it was part of a large batch of p250 yamahas that had a fault in the key bed. They replaced the keybed FREE of charge and now its like a brand new piano. So id advise anyone with similar problems on their p250 to check their serial number with yamaha.

(Its also worth pointing out that yamaha advises that replacing the keys yourself whilst temporarily fixing the problem wont last for very long, and will keep reoccuring until the keybed is replaced, and they do this replacement reguardless of the unit age).

Hope this feedback helps.

Nov 10, 2009
keys not working
by: Dick Rector

Hello Sab,

This is NOT an official Yamaha tip but it worked in some cases.
First try a can with compressed air to blow dust, dirt or even foreign objects away.
Get a vacuumcleaner (I think in England you call it a Hoover) carefully on the keys.
Use a drinking straw to blow a little talcum powder (babypowder) around the sticking keys, that works as a dry lubricant. If this doesn't solve the problem you have to take you board to an expert repair-person. Getting new keys is very difficult and replace them for the old ones is NOT a DIY job.
Let us know if the advice worked so others can benefit from it.

Success and regards

Nov 10, 2009
P 250 Key Problems
by: Alfred

Dear Sab: Refer to and read Mantius', Dick Rector' and my comments in the Q & A title to the
left of this message, then decide if you know what you are trying to do. I'm guessing (as my records are not complete) that your unit is relatively new, so follow our advice and do ONLY the following: Blow out the spaces around the offending keys, using a can of compressed air, then follow with a STRONG vacuuming. If keys still stick, try VERY MODEST talcum powder dusting (applied to thee same spaces) with a small water color brush). Work the offending keys up and down as you proceed. Finally, be sure you keep your keyboard covered when not in use.
If the above does not cure the problem, seriously consider having a qualified technician repair the unit. Please do the favor of posting a follow-up message in this Forum so other members can profit from your experience. Thanks, and good luck.

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