Sticking Keys and loss of tune in upper registers

by Charles Hollins
(Boston, MA, USA)

I've owned my Yamaha P80 since December 1999. Several keys no longer have a consistant weighted touch, slow reaction time or get stuck.

Also, as I play the upper register above middle C the keys are slightly out of tune with the lower register.

BTW I'm comfortable with electronics and mechanical task.

Notwithstanding, if this is a case for a qualified Yamaha tech I'm all for getting the job done right the first time.

I would greatly appreciate your recommendations.



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Nov 26, 2010
Sticking Keys and loss of tune in upper registers
by: Charles Hollins

I appreciate the feedback.
I disassembled the P80 and performed a compressed air cleaning job to rule out dust buildup and to inspect for any other debris that may have found its way under the keys. There was only a slight improvement in the problems. Definitely, some of the keys continue to stick and/or react slowly.
I've decided to contact the pros. Often it is good to know your limitations and to have an experienced person service your equipment.
I'll report again after the keyboard is serviced.

Nov 24, 2010
repairing DIY
by: Dick Rector

Hi Charles,

You said it! If you want to spend the money have it done by a prof.
The out of tune keys sound like a dirty or broken contact-pad. You can replace them yourselves if skilled enough. To get them is something else!
A Yamaha-trained repair-person should be able to advice you what needs to be done and about the cost.


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