Yamaha PSRS-550 can't switch off style/auto-accompaniment when recording?

by Alistair
(Birmingham, West Midlands UK)

I have a PSRS-550 and it will not let me record any of my own songs without playing a style/auto-accompaniment?

I have tried recording over User Songs but whenever I press the record button the auto accomp lights up and I cannot switch it off? It seems to be defaulting to one of the Styles but I am not selecting one?

Am I going to have to re-set the whole keyboard as this seems to be the only option?

Any help much appreciated.

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Oct 29, 2017
PSR 550
by: Terry Turner

I would have looked it up in manual for you but its already in storage as I moving. If you do have a manual check inside as I am sure that it DOES work without the use of auto accompaniment. The auto accompaniment needs to be selected first, and if you dont select it then it will NOT operate. I love the 550 and think it a very fine keyboard, have recorded many songs on it with full orchestrations, then dumped to a recording board and put on vocals to burn a cd. But as a drummer vocalist am NOT as good as you so I DO use auto accompaniment BUT DO KNOW IT WORKS WITHOUT IT. Terry Turner atune4u2010@gmail.com

Oct 29, 2017
PSR 550
by: Terry Turner

I am also from England now living in USA I own a PSR 550 and find it a wonderful keyboard for my needs. I am a self taught player so I DO use the auto accompaniment, HOWEVER.
It is NOT required to use it if u not want to. It might help u to contact the local dealer for Yamaha keyboards. Or get a copy of the manual for it. As an alternate if you hold down the top most key while booting up the unit it will go back to the default mode as original factory specs.
Hope this helps you. TT

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