Yamaha PSR350 never response

by agus sudarmawan
(Bandung Indonesia)

I have Yahama Keyboard PSR350 since 3 years ago. A week ago when I want to play it I saw the monitor show ON but what ever button I touch or push, I never got any response. Never push signal at the monitor, I never heard any sound. Does it a normal problem ?. Please advice me.

Agus Sudarmawan

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May 05, 2010
Dead keyboard or.....?
by: Dick Rector

Selamat pagi Agus,

First check your headphone outlet. Is there something in it?
Push a headphone plug a few times in and out. The headphone out (when in use) disconnects the speakers.

Do you hear normal sound trough headphones? If yes, possible your internal feed to the speakers is broken, the speakers or the amplifier is dead.
Are you sure the power-feed into the keyboard is working O.K. with the correct voltage. Sometimes, when broken, they give enough power for the screen to light up but not enough to feed the keyboard.

I hope you find it, if not you need a prof repair-person with the knowledge and tools.
Give feedback to this forum please so we all can learn something from it.

(Sanur - Bali)

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