Yamaha PSR170 troubleshooting

by Lisa Matthews
(Duluth MN)

We have a psr170 model and it just stopped working. Does this need to have batteries in it to work??? or, can we just use the power cord? Any ideas???

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Sep 29, 2009
power adapter
by: Anonymous

Where do you buy the PA-3B or PA-3c Power adapter for a PSR-170? What are the specifications if you have to use a different brand?

Nov 08, 2007
Yamaha PSR170 can run on batteries or adaptor,
by: Mantius Cazaubon

The Yamaha PSR170 keyboard can either be used with

1. A power adaptor - (PA-3B/3C) or

2. 6 "D" size batteries - R20P (LR20) or equivalent)

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