Yamaha PSR S700 LCD Screen

by Randy
(Orange County, California)

I have a relatively new Yamaha PSR S-700. All of a sudden the screen is not bright. I have adjusted contrast and also gone to the Utility Function and made sure the setting was at the highest level? What's up? Randy

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Apr 15, 2013
by: marek danyi

a little pale to diplay do not know what causes it to ask for a little help

Dec 29, 2012
search lcd lamp for psr s700
by: Anonymous

dear reader,
how much the price of lcd lamp for psr s700 ?
tnx. willy

Sep 09, 2010
backlight failure
by: Anonymous

They have had some problems with this model where they were sending to much current to the LCD backlight and it was failing. It is possible that you bought one that had not been updated yet. Send it to a repair center while it is still under warranty. They will replace the LCD and then the latest firmware should be installed because it is used to adjust the current to the display backlight.

Oct 11, 2009
LCD Screen PSR S700
by: Alfred

Dear Randy: Without a Schematic one can only guess what type of component is used to control the brightness of your Display. For example, it might be a pot or a slider resistor which has worn out and is causing loss of control. In any event, accessing the control is not something to DIY. You will continue to enjoy your keyboard by sending the unit for repair by a Yamaha-authorized or qualified tech. Good luck.

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