Can I add more voice files in PSR S550B

by Aby

I am having PSR S550B, when I add style files from my USB it works but I don't know how to add voice files to my keyboard. please anyone can help me??? I want to add some Relegion tones......

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Apr 15, 2019
Add mp3 files
by: Lino

Only midi can be used but I want to use mp3

Aug 15, 2018
can my keyboard work again
by: lazarous mande

i need your help because my keyboard only the keys that are playing. the options to select a voice or anything all the buttons are not working
what could be the problem

Jun 04, 2010
Adding more voices
by: Anonymous

It's quite possible to add more voices. Just save your voice to a flash, then insert the flash then instead of selecting voices from the board, select the voice from the flash.

Nov 19, 2009
Changing voices
by: Anonymous

Hello Aby,

It is almost the same as loading onother style.
You have to look for the active 'voice' press that button and than toggle to the voice you want.
You can save that combination as a USER-style/voice in the USER area or on a Flash-stick.
I don't know your board very well but it is quite popular and I am sure someone else will write you a more detailed procedure.

Anyhow your manual will tell you how to do it.
Look under 'Changing the automatic selected voice-setting' or something very similar.

Good luck

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export music from yamaha psr s550

by Alban
(Metz France)

In which file are exported sounds from yamaha psr s-550?
Is it in wave or MP3?

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Jul 19, 2016
by: Anonymous

to have on my pc song of psr 550 keyboard I have to connect the headphone output of the keyboard with the " in" input of the PC ? and save the incoming data to the PC with the audacity program ? did I get it right?

Oct 26, 2009
Wav or MP3? NO it is midi
by: Dick Rector

Dear Alban, bonjour

The normal signal out of a keyboard is MIDI if you connect to MIDI OUT.
Midi, in short, is NOT music but a stream of commands that tells the keyboard what voice to sound, how loud and how long.
Only the expensive high-end keyboards have a wav connection.
But you can record from your keyboard onto a computer using a HEADPHONE or AUX out connection.
On your computer you need a (gratis to download)program like AUDACITY. With this you can record and make for instance a CD with your music in MP3 or WAV format.

I hope this answers your question.

Dick Rector

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List of Uncrypted MDB For PSR S550





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Jul 27, 2011
mdb PSR-s550
by: Anonymous

Wyjaśnię jak robi się MDB "Muzyczną Bazę Danych" do PSR-s550.
Wyślij zapytanie na

Nov 08, 2009
Uncrypted MDB For PSR S550
by: Anonymous

thanks a lot. . . it's a great help. . .

Nov 06, 2009
Real names of MDF
by: Dick Rector

Hi there Onnie,

If you go to and do a little searchwork under MDF you will find the correct names.
Not sure of all the names for the S550 are there but most of them are for sure. Also for many other model Yamaha keyboards.
This very informative website is partly under reconstruction at the moment so maybe the mentioned part is not accessible for a while.

Good luck

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arpeggios on PSR S550


Does the psr s550 have arperggios ?

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Nov 13, 2011
Creating arpeggios on the PSR s550B.
by: Glen (South Africa)

Unfortunately the PSR s550b doesn't have an arpeggio function,but you can compose them yourself when you create your own "style". I arranged that great arpeggio for the NeverEnding Story theme in the "Part" section in the "Chord 1" section. You just have to slow the tempo down to about 30bpm whilst you record.

Jun 05, 2010
arrpegio in PSR S 550
by: Anonymous

PSR S 550 doesnt have arrpegio style.

I am wondering why they havent incorporated
arrpegio style in PSR S 550.

gopu from india

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Enquiry on PSR S550B


I stay in Dubai. I am interested in purchasing the PSR S55B keyboard that is available here. What is your review on this keyboard?



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Apr 07, 2011
PSR S550 general comnts
by: Anonymous

Yes it is good when compared with PSR550 having too many styles and voices; it has few rhythms that are really good to be accompanied a song ...but the option in it for using the one touch is something ( i do not ' if it is only with me" know) that has not worked to my expectation. Let me be little more clear to you. Imagine you are playing a song with a rhythm and you wanted to change the voice just and use the one touch-set using Registration Memory ....the moment the voice changes the style or rhythm being played also changes and in PSR550 there will a button named "Freez" when freez is on the style in PSR550 does not change but this PSR S550B does not have and I do not know if that has no option like that or has and I do not know. Best of luck!!!

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what is the difference in the psr-550 and the psr-s550

what is the main difference in the older psr-550 and the newer psr-s550

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Nov 24, 2009
Sorry Its much
by: Anonymous

Here you can see only difference between s550-550 diff. of s only but there is lot Now let me tell you in points:-

1-It has 175 acc. styles while psr550 has 112 acc.styles

2-Gutiar Voices Have slides and Great Effect

3-Only this that psr s550 dn'nt have multi pad
4- Visit your dealer you will yourself find the difference between an entry level(psr-550)
and an arrenger workstation PSR-S550B/S

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Yamaha psr s-550 registration problem style was change automatically

by shahid kamal

how r you to all of you,
i m shahid kamal from karachi (pakistan)
i have PSR s-550B,i was recently purchase,
i have a 2 problem in my keyboard,

i have a problem in my psr s-550,

the problem is the regesteration bank,
i make my own regesteration bank,when i change my tone
so the arrange style was change automatically,

what is the solution,
there is no freez button like PSR 3000,2100,2000,1000 and others,

i make my own style,but this is a big problem in live performance,kindly solve the solution,

second problem was USB styles readind.

i have at least 400 indian and pakistani styles,i do not make any folder,
i convert my style in USB through root directory not in a folder,

but PSR s-550 do not read my full style list,some styles r show but some style does not showing,

These two problem is a measure problem for me and others,kindly send me the solution of this problem,
and if you have any settings for PSR s-550 so kindly send me,i want to purchase another one but i stop right now for this problem,

kindly sole this,i highly request,


i m waiting your hopefull reply


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Dec 11, 2011
Let's use Voice-Registrations
by: Jan Offensperger


as far as I know, you can solve this problem, because a German Company is offering a solution for it:

Voice-Registrations for PSR-S550

You can get them at

As far as I know, there is also planned to release a special software, ehich allows to create "Voice Registrations".

I hope I helped you.



Sep 25, 2010
Resolution to style getting changed automatically
by: Vak

Hello Shahid,
If you have not got any solution for your problem yet (of style getting changed), you can try this one.
For example, if you are using BANK 1 for any song, choose the style which you want and...
Save the sytle in each and every registration memory (I think you have 4 or 8 registration memory in PSR 550 or 550B). So you need to save the style in all 8 registration memories. Each registration memory can be set for 1 instrument. So, if you are playing using BANK 1 (by choosing any of the 8 registration memories, you will have the same style in the backgroud, i mean, it will not change)

Hope this helps you...



May 14, 2010
save the registration memory in song mode
by: Anonymous

friend, save the registration memory in song mode

Oct 26, 2009
PSR S 550
by: Alfred

Dear Shahid: Check your Owner's Manual for INITIALIZING, and apply. If your unit is like some PSR's resetting it might solve your problems.

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