Yamaha PSR 500

by Max and Emily

Hey there,

we are seeing a flashing bdP (error code?) in the digital window of our PSR 500. Nothing plays and none of the keys or buttons seem to be active. Just the flashing bdP and a bunch of leds flashing on the panel at the same time.

Any ideas?

Max and Emily

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Jun 21, 2024
Bpd error
by: Anonymous

Thank you Guys so
Much, it worked with my own keyboard (35 years old) so happy! (Midi bulk button)

Nov 29, 2021
by: Anonymous

Same bdp the little triangle button kind of works but need to do it each time. Still no accompany rythms. But not used for years. Have it plugged in.

Jun 16, 2016
Yamaha PSR-500 bdP midi bulk dump
by: Anonymous

This had me puzzled too, but I cleared it by pressing the recessed small triangular (or if you like right-arrow shaped) rubber button labelled Midi Bulk Dump............

Aug 27, 2011
PSR 500 "bdP" displayed
by: tim


I've just got this trouble too, I've processed record/end + clear + power-on, and it worked ! BUT : each time I want to play, I have to do it again. This means that the problem is not really fixed.

Any idea ? Is there a battery inside the keyboard which could be weak (after many years not used) ???



Jan 04, 2010
bdp flashing
by: Ash

I just got this.

Fixed it by resetting the keyboard.

Press record/end and clear together while pushing power-on. You should see 'clr' appear in the display.

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