How to find out the file utility ID in Yamaha PSR 1100 - Can anyone please help ?

by Abraham P Alex

Snapshot of Instruction manual

Snapshot of Instruction manual

Dear All,

I own a Yamaha PSR 1100. For the transfer of files from the Keyboard to Computer and vice versa, the File Utility ID needs to be identified. From the instructions manual, I am unable to get the File Utility ID. The picture is attached. Can anyone please direct me how to get the File utility number from the Instrument's MIDI set up display.

Many thanks,

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Sep 21, 2011
File Utility Software
by: Elkana David

Dear Abraham / Rosemarie,

Even I had PSR 1100 and even I installed File Utility software but it is not at all communicating with PC, and unable to save the Data from Instrument to PC. Apart from that eveything is working fine and able to create styles, and Track recording too.

I loved all the features in this but only one disadvantage in this I found is, I am unable to save Data from Instrument.

Elkana David

Sep 09, 2010
file utility
by: Anonymous

sofwar file utility pleaz yamaha psr 1100 tinks

Nov 26, 2009
CD for installing Midi
by: Rosemarie

I own a PSR2100. I have the USB cable however in order to set up my midi driver the instructions state that I have to install a CD. However when I purchased the instrument I did not get a CD. Is it possible to purchase this CD directly from Yamaha in India or can you please tell me if there are other vendors who would have this CD.

My computer has Windows XP.

Thank you.

Also if there an keyboard instructor in the Indirnagar area in Bangalore who can teach me how to use my PSR 2100.

Thank you

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Saving a recorded song on my psr 1100

by ronnie meeks
(norwich norfolk uk)

please could someone tell me how i save a song iv'e recorded on my psr1100 and save it to the user file

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Jan 11, 2010
obtaining answers to the question asked
by: ronnie

please could someone explain how to access the answers to the question asked regarding saving a recorded song on my psr 1100 key board, i have clicked on the link but cannot seem to obtain the answer, wich is very frustrating.

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MIDI Data - Yamaha PSR 1100

by Elkana David

Dear Sir,

I am using Yamaha PSR 1100, I am not able to view MIDI data in my PC in File Utility Software, I have connected every thing fine, And even I installed appropriate Driver, Byt I am able to detect the driver from PC to Keyboard, But the thing is I am not able to view the MIDI Date to save in PC. Or else is there any configuration in PSR keyboard ?.

But I have tried a lot even I have configured in PC as well as in Keyboard bt I could not find it, Please help me, Or else can I conver Floppy Drive to PEN drive.

Please answer to my questions , Kindly do the needfull & oblige,

Elkana David

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Dec 27, 2021
Malfunctioning of keys NEW
by: Anonymous

Hi Dick
I have Yamaha PSR 1100 but all the keys malfunctioning. Only rhythms and beats are functioning. Sound is not functioning when I pressed the keys. What is the problem for it. Which parts can be replaced?


Nov 05, 2012
by: kevin

dear sir,
i have an mp3 karaoke which i would llike to play via the keyboard. Can i play the song through the keyboard via a usb ?

Mar 18, 2011
Chords in Accomp
by: Dhinesh


I cannot have the perfect chords. If i press C C chord is playing. For all others if F C/f playing. how can i fix it. Please help me

Mar 14, 2010
Midi Data -Yamaha PSR 530

Hi Guys, Soo need your help to get my keyboard to be friends again with my PC. Since I had clicked yes to Midi...Bulksend I now have no sound registering from my PC when I play the keyboard. It will show sound going into PC but no sound out.
I have checked the manual but it did not cover this problem and wonder if you can bail me out here.

Its as been many years since I have had this keyboard,never had a problem and can't remember if it came with a back-up software.

Again I ask, can you help this poor man in distress cause I am lost without my keyboard.

Dec 18, 2009
PSR 1100
by: Jose

Boa tarde a todos.
Alguem que tenha o cd do psr 1100, poderia me arrumar o programa que junto com o teclado. Nao estou achando na rede.
desde já agradeço!

Dec 16, 2009
by: Anonymous


Dec 15, 2009
USB instead of floppydrive
by: Danie

Hi Dick,

Can you please provide me some info on performing the below mentioned USB instead of floppy conversion procedure. I am using a Yamaha PSR 1100

Hi Elkana,

Sorry I can't help you with your computer question but if you are interested in changing your floppydrive to an USB-drive I can.

This is mentioned MANY times in this forum already and from my own experience I can tell IT WORKS!
Send me your email-address and I will send you all the details in a zipfile.


Dec 04, 2009
Keyboard styles for free
by: Dick Rector

Hi Elkana,

First of all you should yourself search the Internet for what you want. There are many firms who are making 'custom' styles but for a price!
We are volunteers on this forum (doing this in our free time).We are trying to help people with keyboard-problems if we can but not for doing someones homework or shopping. I hope you understand me.

You can try for free styles
but I haven't seen many Indian styles. So I advice you to look on Indian websites.

Good luck hunting.

Dec 04, 2009
Tabla & Dolac Styles
by: Elkana David

Dear Dick,

Where can I get free Indian Tabala & Dolac Styles, I want to download it, If they are not free, can you tell me how to purchase those styles by Cash payment.

I'm very much enthusiatic with those styles & also I need to know the price, kindly tell me the detail.

Elkana david

Dec 03, 2009
Indian Tabala Styles
by: Elkana David

Dear Dick,

Where can I get free Indian Tabala Styles, I want to download it, If they are not free, can you tell me how to purchase those styles by Cash payment.

I'm very much enthusiatic with those styles & also I need to know the price, kindly tell me the detail.

Elkana david

Dec 02, 2009
lots of questions
by: Dick Rector

Hi Elkana,

On answers how to record on your keyboard you should read carefully your manual. Yamaha is not known to be very 'clear' in their manuals especially for beginners but since I don't have the same keyboard I can not help you in this.

For recording your sound to a computer, download for free 'AUDACITY' and install it. The onscreen help is easy to understand.

MP3 to MIDI converting is NOT possible or at least VERY BAD unless you have a professional studio available with good equipment. MIDI is NOT music but a sort of computer-language to make a keyboard understand what tone to produce, how loud and how long etc.
The other way around, MIDI to MP3 is YES possible with a free program called 'SWITCH'.

Please understand, the volunteers and enthusiast keyboard users on this forum are here to help people if they have a problem or get really stuck to put them in the right direction if we can. We do this in our free time!
A lot of questions can be answered by reading the manual and if the person with the question himself does a bit of work by searching the Internet.

Good luck

Dec 02, 2009
Recording Songs
by: Elkana David

Dear Dick,

I want to know the procedure for recording tracks in PSR 1100, About which tracks we have to record first, either Rhythem or voice tracks.

And I want to know the procedure for Original audio recording from Keboard to PC by using line in & line out cable, And please tell me which software is most Compitabe for recording.

And I want to know how to convert MP3 songs to MIDI formate and run in PSR 1100, Which is the software is used for converting accurately.

And I had lot many questions to ask you, So I will come back to you after answer me the above questions.

Elkana David

Nov 30, 2009
USB instead of floppydrive
by: Dick Rector

Hi Elkana,

If you read back I left my email-address for you to contact me directly to send you a zipfile with all the info.

As far as I know the USB-floppy-emulator is ONLY available from in Vietnam.
I paid 100 US$ for the box and 20 US$ for shipment by DHL.
It works fine in my PSR 2000 and should work in all Yamaha keyboards with floppydrives but I heard it will NOT work in some models of other brands as they use a different protocol (language)to communicate with the box.
You better contact the vendor for details for ordering and availability.


Nov 30, 2009
changing your floppydrive to an USB-drive I can.
by: Elkana

Dear Dick,

Can you tell me where the floppy Box (changing floppy drive to an USB-drive ) is available in Bangalore, And Cost of the Box, And is it compitible with Yamaha PSR 1100.

Kindly reply the same

Elkana David

Nov 26, 2009
File Utiliy Software
by: Elkana David

Dear Sir,

I am using Yamaha PSR 1100, I am not able to view MIDI data in my PC in File Utility Software, I have connected every thing fine, And even I installed appropriate Driver, Byt I am able to detect the driver from PC to Keyboard, But the thing is I am not able to view the MIDI Date to save in PC. Or else is there any configuration in PSR keyboard ?.

But I have tried a lot even I have configured in PC as well as in Keyboard bt I could not find it, Please help me, Or else can I conver Floppy Drive to PEN drive.

But why does below they have mentioned like that about computer
Computer Connectivity - Why It's Important The Psr-1100 Has A Usb Port On
The Back, Making It Extremely Easy To Connect The Keyboard To A Computer.
Once You're Connected, You Open Up Your Music To A Wealth Of Possibilities.
From Your Computer, You Are Able To Copy Data To And From The User Or Floppy
Drive In The Instrument To Your Computer's Hard Drive Using The Included
File Utility Software. It's Convenient, Fast And Easy. And Midi Has Never
Been So Simple. Just Install The Included Drivers And When You Open Your
Favorite Music Software Program The Psr-1100 Shows Up As Usb Output Ports
One And Two - Giving You 32 Channels Of Midi Playback.

Please answer to my Querry,

Elkana David

Nov 25, 2009
USB instead of floppydrive
by: Dick Rector

Hi Elkana,

Sorry I can't help you with your computer question but if you are interested in changing your floppydrive to an USB-drive I can.

This is mentioned MANY times in this forum already and from my own experience I can tell IT WORKS!
Send me your email-address and I will send you all the details in a zipfile.


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