Yamaha Moxf8 memory almost full

by Rick
(Annapolis, MD)


I backup all my files to USB, I’m about full on internal memory. If I were to add the memory expansion module would it need to scrub everything and re-format? And would my USB backup adhere to this new formatted memory? It’s like 8 years of customizing I would lose if I can’t reach-dump

Keyboard Rick

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Dec 14, 2022
Yamaha Moxf8 memory almost full - Expansion Module
by: Anonymous

Adding a memory expansion module to your Yamaha Moxf8 keyboard should not require you to scrub or reformat the existing internal memory. The expansion module will simply add additional memory capacity to your keyboard, allowing you to store more files and data.

Your USB backup files should also be compatible with the expanded memory, as long as the format and file structure of the USB backup are compatible with the keyboard. It is recommended to consult the manual for your keyboard or the manufacturer for specific instructions on how to use the expansion module and transfer files to the expanded memory.

Dec 14, 2022
Yamaha Moxf8 memory almost full - Expansion Module
by: Anonymous

Adding a memory expansion module to your Yamaha Moxf8 keyboard should not require you to scrub or reformat the existing internal memory. The expansion module will simply add additional memory capacity to your keyboard, allowing you to store more files and data.

Your USB backup files should also be compatible with the expanded memory, as long as the format and file structure of the USB backup are compatible with the keyboard. It is recommended to consult the manual for your keyboard or the manufacturer for specific instructions on how to use the expansion module and transfer files to the expanded memory.

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