Yamaha DGX-505 Driver for Windows 7?

by Guido

Do yamaha DGX-505 driver for WINDOWS 7 exists ?

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Apr 16, 2020
win 10?
by: Anonymous

They will not have a midi installer for windows 10, the others do not work for the compatibility of my operating system
thanks to everyone

Dec 26, 2011
Yamaha DGX 505
by: Oscar

Saludos amigo
Mi duda es la siguiente tengo un yamaha dgx 505 y el PSRE 423 , al mismo le cargos archivos midi via usb desde mi pc. mi pregunta estos teclado lo puedo usar como controlador, ? intente con el programa frutty loop y no pude configurarlo, con el Native intrument suena pero horrible y con mucha lactancia voy a probar con el adobe audition. m..mi Pc es de 2.6 el procesador, memoria de 1gbye utiliza XP servipack 3

May 26, 2011
by: Anonymous

Thank you!!! a pain in the a#* trying to find this driver. much appreciated!

Sep 09, 2010
English please......
by: Anonymous

The Question was in English and the discussion was in Spanish, COMMON NOW !!

Feb 25, 2010
Esto funciona!!!
by: Anonymous

Gracias un millon!!!!!
Funciono bien el driver para el Yamaha DGX-505 Driver for Windows 7

Me salvastes de gastar $$ para comprar un midi!!
Gracias Dios te Bendiga!!!

Aqui dejo una pagina para quitar el retraso (delay)


Y el Sample perfecto (el seting)
256 samples
sample rate 48,000

Nov 30, 2009
Yamaha DGX 505 Driver for Windows 7
by: Alfred

Dear Forum Members: The solution for the subject title is:


My post to Guido (in Spanish) resulted in his passing on the above info. Another example of interaction in this Forum.

Nov 30, 2009
Yamaha DGX 505 Driver for Windows 7
by: Alfred

Amigo Guido: Me alegro con la buena noticia. El Forum sera notificado relativa a la solucion.
En Brasil uno contesta su deseo ("abrazo")con "otro" 9para Ud.)

Nov 30, 2009
Lo logré ^^
by: Guidin

Mi estimado Alfred, primero muchas gracias por responder tan pronto, me alegra saber que puedo recibir información al instante mediante esta página.

Pero te cuento una muy buena nueva, el teclado yamaha dgx-505 TIENE driver para trabajar en WINDOWS 7 y ya lo probé ^^


Esa es la dirección donde pueden bajarlo (dios que ya pensaba en venderlo!!!! XDDDDD pero se pudo!!!)

Solo que tiene un cierto retraso que aun no se como solucinar, pero ya algo llegara y lo notificare para todos ^^

Muchas gracias por la ayuda y sigan adelante con la página!

Un abrazo!!!

Nov 29, 2009
Driver for Yamaha DGX 505
by: Alfred

Estimado Guido: Escribe a
Yamaha Music Latin America, S.A. SUCURSAL VENEZUELA
Centro Comercial Manzanares Plaza Piso 4
Oficina 0401, Manzanares-Baruta, Caracas, Venezuela
Tel: (58) 212-943-1877 Fax: (58) 212-943-4377

Talvez ellos pueden ayudar-le. Caso no, tente

Yamaha Music Latin America, S.A.
Edif. Torre Banco General, Piso No.7, Urbanización Marbella, Calle 47 y Aquilino de la Guardia, Ciudad de Panamá, República de Panamá
Tel: (507) 269-5311 Fax: (507) 264-4123
Mail Address: P.O.Box 0823-05863, Panamá, Rep.de Panamá

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Yamaha DGX 505 Media Card

by George Cabrera
(Houston,Tx. US)

My media card doesn't play on my keboard...... it says the file is not supported?
I wanna know what I have 2 do to get the piano 2 read the card and play music with it.

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Dec 13, 2009
Media Card
by: Casiqurie

I believe that the keyboard defaults to Flash Memory, which means that by default the media card won't work. To get the keyboard to read your Smart Media card, go into the keyboard functions, which you can do by pressing and holding "Touch" or "Harmony", and flip through the different functions until you find one called "Media Select". There you can specify to read from your Smart Media card by pressing the + key by the number pad. If this doesn't work for you, then the problem is a little bit deeper and I would recommend finding a professional. Good luck!

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UM304x86 Yamaha DGX-505 driver not installing in win7 64?

by Basement Studios
(Greenwood, Maine/USA)

UM304x86 DGX-505 driver not installing in win7 64. Is there a reason for the driver not installing? The setup program freezes up when the installation bar appears. I noticed that in the Task manager, two processes are showing up. One is (msiexec.exe *32) and the other is (msiexec.exe). The later of the two is using 13% CPU, the first is using zero. The setup installer shows up as (setup.exe *32). If I stop the (msiexec.exe) I can get the installing usb-midi window to apper and the bar will get 3/4 of the way compete then it just stops. Any one out there have the same issues or know how to resolve them? This happens with the DGX on or off and if there are other USB devices plugged in or not.

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Jul 21, 2019
Corrected link for MIDI driver download
by: Rickoff

I tried all the posted links for downloading the 64 bit USB MIDI driver DGX-505 and couldn't connect to any of them. Finally I found a link that does work, and here it is:


Nov 30, 2010
use the 64-bit driver!
by: 505user

Dude, if you're on 64bit windows you need the 64bit driver for your yamaha.


Sep 18, 2010
Successful Windows 7 (64-bit) DGX-505 USB to MIDI installation. follow this link
by: Eddie Roman

Try this link


Just downloaded and successfully installed and used the USB to Midi Driver for the DGX-505.

Gotta love it!

FIRST STEP: Connect your DGX-505 USB port to your computer USB port.

On the page, just scroll down a little and select the proper download for your system and O.S.

After you get confirmation of a download it will install, then a dialog box will appear and tell you there is a problem with the download, and ask you a couple of options.

Select the option that asks you to 'reinstall with the recomended settings for your system' the program will again go through the installation process.

The system security may ask you if you wish to modify the computer. Answer yes.

The installation wizard will appear and you will be able to install like any other application. follow the prompts.

Good luck.

P.S. you can look in the START menu under the devices and printers side menu. you should see your keyboard there when the USB is conected from the back of the DGX-505 to your computer USB port.

Jun 07, 2010
by: Anonymous

I Had an internal issue on the computer, I believe it was from a Windows Update I had received. I had to reformat the damn' computer, shut off Updates and reload the Endless list of computer based recording software and External hardware drivers. Grrrr......Best of luck to anyone suffering from this type of situation.

Jun 07, 2010
did you ever figure this out??
by: Anonymous


thanks for the future!!

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midi drivers for Yamaha dgx 505

by John
(Hyderabad, India)

i would like to find and install the midi drivers for my yamaha dgx 505

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Nov 24, 2010
by: Dick Rector


For drivers go to:



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Quantization - Yamaha DGX 505

by Eddie D. Gurley
(Tyler, Tx)

I love the sounds on the DGX 505 but at the same time, I'm realizing that once I get to to the quantizing menu and I attempt to enable it, it blinks "writing , don't turn off" or something like that. but my music isn't any different. There have to be a way.

Please what is the proceedure..

Thanks in Advance

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Apr 11, 2010
by: Dick Rector

Hi Ed,

Not familiar with your keyboard so I don't know why it 'hangs' (if it does).
But to do what you want, you can download a free and excellent program called PSRUTI and you can do your quantization (and a lot more) very easy on a computer.
BUT to get a more 'life feel' in your songs don't use it to much. If every keystroke, every drum or clap is exactly 'on the dot' your song will sound very mechanical and looses the 'swing'.

My two penny's for the day.

Apr 11, 2010
Quantization DGX 505
by: Alfred

Dear Eddie: I am not familiar with the DGX 505, but if it has an Initializing feature (Partial or Full), you might try such action, realizing that the Partial one erases any prior recordings you may have made; and the Full one "cleans the slate" completely.

Here's what to do:

1) Turn the Unit OFF, then while holding down the last White key, turn the Unit ON. This reset erases all User Settings, Registration Memory, User Songs and Style File; meaning it erases all your backed up Data.

2) If you want an out-of-the-box “Factory” Reset.turn the Unit Off, and then while holding down the last White Key plus last three Black keys turn the Unit On again; meaning everything, including MIDI info will be erased.

In the hope that either of these suggestions gets the job done, please post a follow-up Forum message so other members will learn from your experience. Thanks and good luck.

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DGX 505 Keys

by Sherry

Good day.

Can you please help me with my DGX-505 Keyboard. Some of the keys when i played are louder than the others.

Your immediate respond is appreciated. Thanks.


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Sep 13, 2009
loud keys
by: Anonymous

I am having the same problem on the keys one octave above middle c.I have used this keyboard a lot and don't know how to resolve the problem.

Sep 07, 2009
DGX 505 Keys - Higher Volume
by: Alfred

Dear Sherry: Your Unit is relatively new, and probably warrants the attention of a professional technician. Unless you are qualified to perform the required repairs, I suggest you contact the store where you bought the instrument and see if they can handle the job or recommend someone who can. You should consider my suggestion if you want to avoid adding to the problem. SIMPLY PUT, the loudness of some keys is the result of an interference between the time you press the offending keys and the time the processor inside the keyboard receives and transmits the command to reproduce the sound. There are too many possible contributing causes to mention in this message. Please accept my advice in the positive
spirit in which it is offered. You might want to post a follw-up comment so we all can learn from this Forum. Good luck.

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Does the Yamaha DGX 505 work as a midi controller

I'm using Steinberg Cubase 5, i was wondering if this exact model will work as a midi controller and sync up with cubase 5 properly.

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May 24, 2010
Yamaha dgx 505 with cubase
by: Anonymous

Yep it does. don't forget to set cubase midi devices to dgx 505 (install midi device). This way you can access all the sweet! and live! voices of the device too.

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YAMAHA DGX-505 problem with2 keys

by eleni
(Athens reece)

Ηi,with no reason two of my keys stopped playing.when i press both of them one of them plays and when i press them individually nothing.Please do you know anything about it?Thanks

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Dec 31, 2009
DGX 505 Key Problem
by: Alfred

Dear Eleni: The problem you are having is possibly due to worn underlay pads. I DO NOT recommend any attempt to repair the defect yourself, and suggest you have a qualified technician do the job, or check for Yamaha Service with:

Yamaha Music Europe GmbH
Siemensstr. 43, D-25462 Rellingen, (b. Hamburg,) Germany

Access and replacement of the pads may seem simple enough, but there are other internal static-sensitive components which can be exposed, and if accidentally zapped, will cause additional problems. Good luck.

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what is the difference from the dxg-505 and the ypg-635

by tim
(greensboro, N.C.)

what is the difference from the dxg-505 and the ypg-635

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Feb 03, 2010
DGX 505 vs YPG 635
by: Alfred

Dear Tim: You might try googling these models separately to get an idea of their features and how they differ. Also try using the titles to the Left of this message to see if there is info on them. Keep well.

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cd for Yamaha dgx 505

by Peter

I have lost the cd for my yamaha DGX-505 and need it in order to use other music. Where can I get one? ...

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Feb 10, 2012
by: Anonymous


Mar 23, 2010
CD for DGX 505
by: Alfred

Dear Peter: Try the following -


The Yamaha Parts Department (888) 892-6242 is available for your call between 7:30 am and 5:00 pm Pacific Time. (Parts can be ordered directly at their site: www.yamaha24x7.com. Or called in for fastest service,
Contact Yamaha Parts Department (**) at (714) 522-9011 or 1 800 940 8806 )New Number 6/26/09 1 800 940 6606)to place an order over the phone via credit card. Visa, MasterCard, or American Express. Be sure to have the Model number of the product available so that accurate information can be provided. Good luck.

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Yamaha DGX-505 No sound with sustain plugged in.

by Michael
(Duarte, Ca. USA)

We have a DGX-505. When we plug in the sustain pedal we get no sound at all. The sound is there when we unplug the pedal. Anyone know of this problem? Is it in the pedal or the keyboard itself? How and where can I get it fixed?

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Oct 16, 2010
Wrong Socket nailed it (5 Stars)
by: Anonymous

I did the same thing, plugged the sustain pedal into the headphone jack. (Duh, sometimes I wonder about myself.) Wrong Socket: Thanks for the advice!!!

Jul 30, 2009
wrong socket
by: Anonymous

Try plugging it into the sustain jack. You probably have it plugged into the headphone jack.

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Not getting Power to my DGX505

by Lindsay

I do not play, but my kids do. They were sitting down to practice and no power is getting to the keyboard. Have checked all connections to the AC adapter and I wondered if they wear out? We have had this keyboard for 4 years and never a problem and now it will not turn on. Any suggestions?

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Sep 25, 2009
No Power DGX 505
by: Alfred

Dear Lindsay: Several things to try. 1) If battery-powered, clean compartment terminals, and install fresh batteries. 2) If Adaptor-powered, try any other house outlet. 3) Moisten and clean Adaptor Plug with piece of paper towel squirted with Electronic Contact cleaner. Squirt small amount of cleaner into keyboard (Jack) aperture and gently twist with Q-tip. 4) If available, measure DC VOLTAGE with a volt meter to see if theres any reading. If very low (+/- 1 or 2 vdc), the Adaptor is defective. If meter not available, have an electrician measure it. DO NOT ATTEMPT ANY OTHER ACTIONS. Check locally (RELIABLE Music Stores) to see if they provide repair service. Please post a followup message if my suggestions help. Other participants will be interested. Thanks and hope your kids get to enjoy the keyboard again.

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LCD Replacement for Yamaha DGX505

I have a DGX505, but the LCD screen has gone very dim. All the selections work, but the screen is very very hard to read. What do I need to do to get it fixed?

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Dec 10, 2013
Glad I found this!
by: Ben

I think we lived for the last year with a dim LCD display. Glad to be back to normal - thanks for the advice!

Nov 08, 2012
LCD Display
by: Anonymous

Thank you so much! I tried so much sites and finally got my answer here. Found the knob and saved me a lot of efforts.

Jul 15, 2011
LCD screen
by: Karen

Thanks I just found that little
Knob aswell never knew it was there I thought the screen had stopped working

Feb 07, 2011
LCD Display
by: Anonymous

THANK YOU THANK YOU!! We just moved and our daughter's LCD no longer displayed on her Yamaha DGX620, we were sick about it, probably only 2 years old and she loves it. I read several posts before finding this one and found the knob on the back and presto that did it!! Thanks again!

Sep 29, 2010
Thank you
by: Anonymous

Dear Anonymous that answered first in this list -- thank you so much. I have a DGX505 and I love it so much. It is my favorite toy. I thought the LCD screen had gone out. I found the little nob (didn't even realize it was a nob), turned and it fixed the problem. Thanks so much.

Jul 24, 2010
by: mary Freney

thankyou, just fixed the problem i had with the LCD screen, you are better than the manual.:)

Jul 17, 2010
LCD Replacement Yamaha DGX 505
by: Alfred

Dear Andrew: It's members like you who keep this Forum going and growing. Whenever your knowledge and experience with keyboards - not necessarily only with the DGX 505 - prompts you to comment/ question any post, do so without bweing hesitant. We can't always be 100% on target in all comments/questions, but the likelyhood is that some other member will enter a completing/ correcting post. Keep well.

Jul 17, 2010
Screen Dgx 505
by: Anonymous

I have a DGX620 and at the back of it there is a small knob you can turn to make the panel lighter or darker.
Maybe your 505 has the same, if you not already tried this.
Good luck,

Andrew from Sweden

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Yamaha dgx505 help making CD's

I have a DGX505 keyboard.having trouble converting midi to wav for making a CD of my music.Can you lead me through it (as simple as possible)? Can I record directly to the smart card,without going through the internal memory of user songs 01,02,03,04,and 05dgx 505 keyboard

I want to make CD's of my music for friends and family.
The instruction manual is too confusing for me.
I'm not a computer whiz,so please make it simple.


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May 16, 2010
record the sound
by: Harry Cats

You'll need to get a cable that goes into ur phones or line output of your 505 and at the other end u need to plug it into the line-in of ur soundcard.

Get some audio recording programm.

Execute the audio recording programm on your computer. It's the same as in early days when u wanted to record something on a cassette-tape, except now u record the AUDIO coming out of ur keyboard digitally into ur PC's memory. Save the created WAV-file onto ur harddrive and eventually brun it as an audio CD.


505 audio out-->pc line in-->recording program-->
records to wav--> burn wav file on audio CD

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Output from Yamaha DGX 505

Is there any way I can hear my keyboard speaker while I use the out put headphone for an other device like apmplifier ? Thank for help, I would like to use the keyboard speaker as a monitor speaker, DGX 505

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Nov 30, 2009
Headphone & Amplifier Output DGX 505
by: Alfred

Dear PumpkinSeedtk.

I have had no formal training in Electronics, but IF YOU DO here is a thought: IF THERE ARE NO SPEAKER IMPEDENCE MISMATCHES resulting from a “parallel” circuit re-rout, can you not ‘reverse engineer’ the design of the keyboard’s innards to determine the components you will need in order to tap for the bypass of the audio signal BEFORE it reaches the headphone amplifier? Of course you will have to add an extra Jack to your unit to accommodate the patch cord for the Amplifier. Please let me know through this Forum if my comment is helpful. Thanks.

Nov 30, 2009
by: Andrew Jacob Sahagian


I've had qualms, but I'm working to get over them :)

Normally I use my "Pumpkin Seed" alias, but am trying to embrace who I really am :)

Thanks for participating in the forum!


Nov 29, 2009
DGX 505 Output
by: Alfred

Dear Andrew: Your points are well taken. It seems you, for one have no qualms about giving your full name! (Just kidding). Using even an alias as a FIRST NAME is fine as far as I am concerned. My feeling is that it is far more civil and practical to be in communication with a Forum member who bears a name of some kind. This is not to say participants have to please me.

As to my suggestions, I overlooked the situation where you mention “In a performance or recording environment….”, My suggestions were offered with the thought that the post was submitted by someone not as experienced as you (?), but certainly without provocation, as I see this Forum as a friendly learning place. Too bad I cannot be of any help to you. Hope you find both the advice and schematics you seek. Good luck.

Nov 28, 2009
YPG/DGX Portable Grand
by: Andrew Jacob Sahagian


1st off, many people are not comfortable providing their full name in any public forum, especially the Internet, where nearly every page and forum is indexed by the likes of Google, where friends, enemies, stalkers, identity thieves and potential employers are prone to be searching. The more honest thing is to remain "Anonymous" rather than to make up a false name :)

As for constructive answers to your questions....

1) You know that inserting Headphones into the corresponding Jack automatically cuts out the DGX on-board Speaker(s).

Yes, he knows.

2) If your question is whether you can continue to hear the DGX Speaker(s) while using Headphones and an external amplifier at the same time, the answer is only if the connections to the Headphone Jack are modified to allow a parallel signal to the external amplifier,and that IS NOT A JOB YOU CAN DO.

I'm pretty sure it can be done, perhaps with solder and wires or perhaps with a snip of a wire or pin...Interesting thing is that's exactly the job I'd like to do, and the reason I stumbled on this forum, looking for schematics or advice :)

3) Why would you want to do such a thing, unless you want to be isolated from the listening area where the external amplifier is located?!!? Please accept the above comments in the constructive way in which they are offered. Keep well.

He stated his reasons clearly when he wrote, "I would like to use the keyboard speaker as a monitor speaker". I would like to do the same!

In a performance or recording environment, the output signal needs to go out to the audience or recording device, leaving the performer hard to hear themselves without a 2nd set of speakers setup for them...which seems kind of silly for a piano with built-in speakers.

In fact I was hoping to go even deeper into the circuitry of my Portable Grand to bypass the audio signal BEFORE it reaches the headphone amplifier, so I can record a much cleaner sound, as the headphone amp is quite noisy on mine.

Anyone have advice or schematics? My search goes on...


Nov 25, 2009
Yamaha DGX 505 Headphone vs External Amplifier
by: Alfred

Dear "Anonymous" or is it Deluxe?:
I guess you must have forgotten to enter your FIRST name, and that your DGX is a Deluxe model!!! Please enter your name when posting any future questions in this Forum. Normally I will not attempt to make any comments otherwise.
1) You know that inserting Headphones into the corresponding Jack automatically cuts out the DGX on-board Speaker(s).
2) If your question is whether you can continue to hear the DGX Speaker(s) while using Headphones and an external amplifier at the same time, the answer is only if the connections to the Headphone Jack are modified to allow a parallel signal to the external amplifier,and that IS NOT A JOB YOU CAN DO.
3) Why would you want to do such a thing, unless you want to be isolated from the listening area where the external amplifier is located?!!? Please accept the above comments in the constructive way in which they are offered. Keep well.

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Yamaha DGX 505 voice, style and harmony settings

by Lorin Miller
(Spokane, Wa. USA)

I am a relatively new player to the Yamaha DGX 505. I have followed the manual and tried to set up accompanyments for music I like such as ragtime, blues and jazz, but after much time invested in the process, I have yet to find a suitable set of sounds to go with my favorites such as peices by Gershwin, Porter and Berlin. Is there a source I can obtain that has suggested settings for different types of mucic, or a clearer instruction for setting them up on the Yamaha DGX 505? Frequently I have chosen settings which sound great by themselves, but turn into a cacaphony of discordant sounds that don't go together well or sound like they did when I set them up.



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Jul 09, 2010
Thanks Again
by: Lorin

Once again, Thank you Dick for your help. Your advice has been very helpful and appreciated.


Jul 08, 2010
differences between models
by: Dick Rector

Hi again,

Very generally speaking the outside of keyboards can be very different to look at but underneath basically they are the same. No doubt that a more expensive kboard or digital piano can do more and has a better quality of reproducing sounds than the cheaper ones.
The website you've visited is based on the PSR and TYROS keyboards but MOST of the info you'll find can be used for almost ALL keyboards and digital piano's as the functions (when available) in the Yamaha models are very similar or even the same.

PSR keyboards (as most keyboards) have 5 octaves to play with while others like the CLP or CVP have the full size like a grand-piano and even with 'weighted' key action so it gives you the feeling of the 'real' piano.
Kboards have a lot of possibilities in styles and voices and other 'bells' and the mid- and upper range can do on-board recording, creating and tweaking styles, multi-pads and a lot more. They are called 'arranger' keyboards.
There is a lot more to tell, it goes to far here, but if you search the web you can get all the info (and pictures)and many demonstrations.

Have fun with your keyboard!

Jul 08, 2010
More Qs
by: Lorin

Thanks for you response Dick. I went to the web-site and found much of interest, but it raised mor questions. The files all pertained to various PSR keyboards, some with comments that they might work with other boards - or not! This raises the question, what are the differences between the various designations? DGX, PSR, YPG etc. As I have seareched the web, it seems that sites that specialize in PSR boards rarely even mention the DGX or YPGs. Perhaps it is a music store VS web product ???
Specifically, my question is What is the equivalent of my DGX-505 in a PSR keyboard?

More Frustrated!!

Jul 08, 2010
Manuals (A PAIN!!)
by: Dick Rector

Hi Lorin, don't be frustrated yet!
Yamaha manuals are a pain in the behind especial for newby's. We ALL know that.
If you are looking for styles, voices, setting-advice and you name it, have a look at psrtutorial.com and you will find TONS of the stuff free to download. Also an endless amount of step by step lessons on most subjects according to keyboards.

Happy hunting and come back to this friendly forum now you have found it.

Bali (Indonesia)

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lost cd rom for DGX-505 yamaha grand keyboard

by Jay Jones
(San Antonio TX USA)

Where can I get the original CD-ROM for Yamaha Portable Grand Keyboard DGX-505

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Dec 20, 2010
lost dgx 505 cd
by: Anonymous

hi i was wondering if you ever got your cd, because im having the same problem because they stopped making the piano and now no one sells it anywhere

Oct 28, 2009
CD for Yamaha DGX 505
by: Alfred

Dear Jay: I sincerely hope you thread your way successfully to Yamaha's site on the internet. Do not hesitate to let me know if you need any further help. Good luck.

Oct 27, 2009
thanks Alfred!
by: Anonymous

Alfred; Thank you for the return advice. It is really helpful. Jay

Oct 26, 2009
CD ROM for Yamaha DGX 505
by: Alfred

Dear Jay: I believe these CD's are proprietary and only available through Yamaha's Parts Dept. Google that site and you will probably find it for sale there. Good luck.

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yamaha portable grand dgx-505 keyboard

by Clarissa
(Jennings, ok usa)

How do you get the sustain pedal unstuck?

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Mar 05, 2010
"Stuck" Pedal
by: Alfred

Dear Clarissa: A Sustain Pedal or a Volime Pedal
should always be plugged into a keyboard BEFORE
POWER IS TURNED ON, AND NOT BE PRESSED UNTIL READY FOR ACTION. These Pedals hav a fixed Polarity and will work in reverse if plugged in after the keyboard is energized.
Some Pedals have a small switch on their housing to flip for correction.
You do not say if you mean that the Pedal is physically stuck in its depressed position. If so, then the problem is with the "return mechanism" which raises the upper surface to its normal position. Try a MODEST squirt of sewing machine oil in the mechanism, and gently pry the upper surface towards its normal position. Let us know how you fare. Thanks.

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What software do I use to transfer MIDI files from PC to DGX505 via USB?

by Jim

I have a DGX505, and I used to have a FREE program that let me transfer MIDI files to the song bank of the keyboard. I have since reformatted my hard drive, and now I can't find the program I used to have. Does anyone know what it is called and where I can find it?

By the way, it's 10/30/2009. I hope people still read this message board!

Please help! Thanks!


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Nov 02, 2010
by: Anonymous

the name of the program you need is musicsoft downloader

Nov 17, 2009
MIDI Files PC to DGX 505
by: Alfred

Dear Jim: I will also keep an eye out for any post(s) which may help. Thanks for your follow-up.
Keep well.

Nov 16, 2009
Thanks. Still looking for an answer.
by: JIM

Alfred, Thanks, I'll keep checking back. Hopefully someone will know the name of the program. I think it was called Musicsoft or something like that.

Nov 05, 2009
MIDI Files PC to DGX 505
by: Alfred

Dear Jim: Through this post in the Forum I hope Dick Rector can come to your rescue. I'm not qualified to do so, but you should take heart and see for yourself that this Forum is active and still read; so please keep in touch and let all of us know how you fare by posting a follow-up message if Dick (or some other kind member) provides you with the answer. Thanks.

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Yamaha DGX 505 that is totally dead.

I have a Yamaha DGX 505 that is totally dead. I just purchased a new power adapter but that did not fix the problem. Any ideas?

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Mar 21, 2010
Dead DGX
by: Anonymous

It May be the Internal Battery! You may need to take it to a Yamaha Keyboard Dealer.

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Yamaha DGX 505 Problem D: Heeelp Please

by Rigo

Hi, well I've a yamaha DGX 505 but I don't know what's wrong with it. When I play certain keys one sounds like if I was playing it REALLY hard and several times. I check the sensiblity change it to a less sensible system but I continue doing that damn horrible noice. I disconnected and plugged in, didn't changed. I cleaned, I don't know what else to do. Do you know what should I do?

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Dec 12, 2018
potential purchaser
by: gerry

Hi, after lots of time and searching through auction sites I am contemplating buying a second hand yamaha dgx grand piano keyboard, probably a dgx 650 although other models are of interest, BUT, after reading many reviews and questions about problems with these keyboards I'm getting the feeling that none of them are very reliable and complex to use. can anybody reassure me?

Sep 25, 2011
contact pads
by: Emmanuel

Thanks a lot Dick. I can do that but I just need to get them. Where ? Can you tell me ?

Mar 28, 2010
contact pads
by: Dick Rector

Hi Rigo,

I am almost sure it is the rubber-pads as Alfred mentioned.
They have a few 'contact' points for a better word and if a pad is broken (very hard to see with the naked eye!) for instance touch control can be dead and you key will sound even loud (or soft) whatever the pressure on it is.
Keypads come in strips, for each octave C-B one.
Sometimes (but only sometimes!!) changing hem around will solve the problem for a short while.
Replacing for new is obvious a better solution.
With all respect, unless you know what you are doing DON'T open the Kboard as it is for most people not a DIY job.
Hope you solve the problem.

Mar 28, 2010
Yamaha DGX 505 Varying Volumes of Keys
by: Alfred

Dear Rigo: Your unit is a 2004 Yamaha release. It is possible that the problems are due to worn Underlay Pads which are directly under the keys. Any repair(s) should be done by a qualified technician, and you should contact

Yamaha de México, S.A. de C.V.
Javier Rojo Gómez 1149, Col. Guadalupe del Moral
C.P. 09300, México D.F., México
Tel: (52) 55-5804-0600 Fax: (52) 55-5686-2101

and ask which technician is closest to you to do the job. Good luck.

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