Yamaha CLP 635 Noisy Sustain Pedal

by Celio Portela

I have just bought a Yamaha digital piano CLP 635 and it makes a tiny noise when pressing the sustain pedal which is quite anoying while playing. Is there something wrong or is this normal?

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Feb 21, 2022
Sustain Pendal Clunks on CLP
by: Roy

I would say it is not unique. I'm on my second set of pedals - fist set clunked when releasing the sustain, the latest clunk when applying sustain.

Is it normal? Depends on how many people experience this issue. For me - it is more normal than I would have hoped.

Is it correct? I would say not.

I think it is something to do with the spring, but haven't 'got in there' to find out as it is under warrenty.

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