Comments for Which one is the latest and best - Yamaha PSR 8000 or 3000

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Jun 23, 2010
PSR 8000 vs PSR 3000
by: Alfred

Dear Pale: Please understand this forum is not an arm of the Yamaha Corp. We are enthusiasts who OWN and play Yamaha keyboards & electronic pianos, and we use the Forum as a meeting place to discuss mainly questions/comments about our instruments. Unfortunately our discussions do not include the question you are addressing. Apart from the descriptions of units provided by the webmaster (see titles to left of this message) which MAY include some relevant info, we suggest you try googling for each unit separately. You might elicit an answer faster, and be better off visiting a Yamaha Dealership in your area where they might have both/the models for a hands-on test and comparison. For Dealers, contact..... Yamaha Music Australia Pty., Ltd.
Level 1, 99 Queensbridge Street, Southbank
Victoria 3006, Australia
Tel: (61) 3-9693-5111 Fax: (61) 3-9699-2332

Thank you for visiting us. You have a standing invitation to come back after you purchase the unit which pleases you. Good luck. Keep well.

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