where middle C is

by Ryan

On My yamaha DGX 61 key electronic keyboard, i would like to change where the middle C is so i can play a lower key on the 61 key keyboard. In other words i would like to know how to change the octave so my keboard shifts an octave o the right so can play a lower octave on the left.

Many thanks

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Oct 29, 2009
by: J.M.P.

If you're asking how to do bring middle c down an octave or up an octave,you will have to go to the function button keep pressing threw the features until you come across transpose.It will say transpose 0 you can set it up to 12+ which will bring middle C up an octave,or you can bring to 12- which bring the middle C down an octave.The transpose feature allows you to take middle c and bring it up to C#sharp an c#sharp is now D so on and so forth.So all the keys are going up or down half steps one key at a time.

Oct 10, 2009
Shifting Octave
by: Alfred

Dear Ryan: I am a newbie to Yamaha Keyboards and based only on an instructional DVD for my model, suggest you refer to YOUR OWNER'S MANUAL, UNDER EFFECTS. It may include info regarding Octave shifting. My limited experience prevents me from being more assertive, and I hope this blurb will be of some help. Perhaps one of our fellow Forum participants can be more helpful. I will look for additional posts so both of us can learn something new. Good luck.

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