Tweaking some Yamaha Tyros3 styles

by Dino Dvais

Hi, I am a serious keyboard player from Oman. Presently I am owning Yamaha PSR S550B. I got plenty of Tyros 3 styles from the Websites. My question is, Can I tweak these styles and use with my S550??? If it is possible, which software I can use for tweaking. Kindly help me because I darely love those styles. Pleaseeeee..............

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Nov 24, 2013
by: sheril philip

dear Mr Dino.. please note that psr s550 doesn't support megavoices . so the style appears quite bad . download the software "megavoice cleaner from". I hope that you will find a good replacement for megavoices :-)

Jun 01, 2011
Tyros3 Styles Guitars like Korg PA800
by: Anonymous

Hi Forum,

A friend has a PA800 and when we looked into the style and to be exact the guitar part he could play the guitar cords by pressing just one note i hope this explains what i mean.... Roland G70 and Korg doe have that function does the Yamaha Tyros 3 has that function too ?

Thanks in forward.


Oct 23, 2009
by: Anonymous

Dear Dick. That prgrm was awesome. Wonderful results. but some problem is still exist any how now i am satisfied. THNX DICK FOR YOU SUPPORT. Behind this i spend most of my time you know... THANKS

Oct 22, 2009
by: Dick Rector

Hello Dino,

Wow..... You keep me busy! Go back to the website of and download the program OTSEDITOR

In there you can tweak the styles easy for your
PSR S550 keyboard, it is in the list of many templates!
Bear in mind that some of the megavoices in the T3-styles simply don't exist in your keyboard and you have to replace them with the nearest voice you have available. The program shows you the voices. That is why you did not hear anything in some channels.
I just tried it.... !!!

Good luck and let us know please.

Oct 19, 2009
by: Dick Rector

Hi Dino again,

Maybe still a little hint, you kept me awake thinking!
If you go to PSRTUTORIAL.COM you will find TONS of free to download styles. Besides of that, there are also MANY converts already done by a lot of other people from all sorts of keyboard models (including from the T1 T2 and T3 and other brands.
It is maybe a bit of a job to download and sort it out and test but I am almost sure you will find the styles you are looking for that will work on your keyboard.
Let me know the result please and write me on my emailaddress:

Good luck 'hunting'

Oct 19, 2009
by: Anonymous

Thanks Dick for your comments. Anyway I know this can be done easily but don't know how to do it. Thanks for your support.

Oct 19, 2009
by: Dick Rector

Hello Dino,

I am sorry I can't help you any further, I gave you all the info from my own experience but to tweak a style for your specific keyboard (if it is at all possible!) I need one the same and I don't have it!
I transferred and tweaked the styles for my (older) PSR 2000 and as I said before SOME styles will NOT work because they are made for another keyboard and in this case a TYROS 3 the flagship of Yamaha. With all respect but you can't expect to have everything from this high-end machine working in a lower in line keyboard. Who needs a T3 in that case??
Hopefully someone else on this forum can be of any assistance.


Oct 17, 2009
still problem exist
by: Anonymous

Dear Dick. I tried many times with the software MidiPlayer. I saw many templates but my keyboard is not listed there.I'll give you an example for my present situation. R&B Ballad.prs is a good style that I like most from the ballad category of Tyros3. I select this style for tweaking, all coming normally. and I Selected the PSR 2100(Which is most similar to my keyboard) template and tweaked. But, the result is, the second channel of the style which is containing the drums part is silent. Only i can hear the base line and the rhythm. Many styles like this man... I am very sad about this. If you can tweak it perfectly for my keyboard, then i will upload those styles. Take this as a serious request.


Oct 15, 2009
Style convert
by: Dick Rector

Hello Dino,

If you go to SVPWORLD.COM you can download (free software) a fantastic tool called MIDIPLAYER by Michael Bedesem. You have to download the FULL version first and install it. Than you put the latest update over it. Simple, and how to do that is in a textfile included in the download.
With this program you can adjust automatically or by hand a lot of styles from mega to XG or whatever is available for your keyboard and A LOT MORE.
Yes, of course some styles you have to tweak yourself because they are made for a different keyboard.
Bear also in mind that some styles you have converted are maybe TOO BIG for the memory of your keyboard and they will not load.
In that case you have to take out for instance intro and ending B or C to make the style-file smaller.
ALWAYS keep intro and ending A or you can run in other strange problems like the endings are playing twice!
Find on internet a small program called VISUAL-STYLER. You can do the taking out of style-parts or replace in different order and other adjustings with that old but well working little program.


Oct 15, 2009
Dino Dvais
by: Anonymous

Dear Dick, thanks for your immediate response. I downloaded that software from josoft but still some voice of style files won't play. If i select XG voices, results are poor. The Portions of MegaVoices still silent. Please help me....

Oct 04, 2009
Style convert
by: Dick Rector

Hello Dino,

Yes you can! The styles for the T3 are in the SSF2 format and for your keyboard you need them in SSF1 format. If you go to you can download for free a little converter program. I believe it is called 'style-format 2 to 1 converter' or something very similar. That will do the job per 1 style or per batch. Possible you have to adjust 'tweak' the volumes a bit afterwards to your liking. I did the same thing for my PSR 2000 and you are right, they are very nice styles.
Let us know if this works for you so other people can benefit from it as well.

Regards and success
Dick Rector
Bali (Indonesia)

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