Transfer files from Yamaha dgx 620 to my computer


I have installed yamaha driver and MusicSoft download 5, but all i can see is the back up file under system (06PG88.BUP) What should I do with this file.

I like to to record music form my keyboard from my computer.What should I do. Do i need to get any software. (sequencer)

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Mar 31, 2022
Adding new drum kits.
by: Anonymous

How can I add a new drum kit to DGX 670.?
Indian kit (Indian tabla sounds.)

Jan 07, 2011
This might help.
by: Anonymous

I had the same basic question... I've since downloaded Finale Allegro (Free 30-day trial) and managed to get my song into it, but the process is a little complex.... you can't just import the midi file; you have to stream the song into the software. Once you have installed the software and opened it, and connected the USB cable, then, in order to stream it into the software, first press the SONG button. Enter the number for the user song you created (031-035) then hit FUNCTION and scroll until you reach SongOut. Press the "+" to turn it on. Then scroll to InitSend and press "+"

Then use hyperscribe (follow instructions from software manual) to stream it into the software.
When Streaming, other Function settings... Set ExtClock to OFF, and PCmode to OFF.

To start the streaming, Press START on your keyboard. If you can hear the song play on your computer, then you are on the right track!



My original question:

I've installed the midi driver and the musicsoft downloader, but all I can download is the bup file which is proprietorily unopenable. I've scoured and and didn't find any answers; I just found my same question asked by many other users.


Thank you for your inquiry.

To create standard midi files, You need to purchase sequencing software such as Cubase for your computer [I downloaded Finale Allegro 30-trial on], download the latest USB-Midi driver here:, connect to the computer using a USB cable and then play the songs in real time into the software.

To record an audio or wave file, you will need to obtain an audio interface, such as the Yamaha Audiogram and plug into it via the instrument's headphone jack with an instrument cable. The interface comes with Cubase AI and you can use the software to record wave files, which can then be burned to a CD. tail/ModelSeriesDetail.html?CNTID=5024958

MIDI is made of Controller and Note DATA, not Audio.

IMPORTANT: MIDI works by sending NOTE ON and NOTE OFF events down a midi cable as well as timing information and controller (knobs, wheels, and sliders) information. MIDI does not send sound, or audio down the MIDI cable.

Thank you,
Yamaha PAC Support

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