SuperSaw Sound - 90s Dance Songs

by Scott
(New Jersey)

Any idea how I can replicate that Supersaw sound found in so many 90s dance songs?

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Sep 18, 2009
Yamaha Mo6
by: Alfred

Dear Scott: What you have there is a unit far beyond which I can offer any comment. I know that Mo6 stands for Motif 6, but in my humble opinion it may as well be a MoNster6! (term of endearment). My limited experience with Synthesizers does not qualify me to come to your assistance, but I wonder if you might know any other keyboardist who either has the same model as yours, and from whom you may get some tips, or if not, there is a possibility that even with its fantastic features it does not include reproduction of the Supersaw Sound you are seeking. It could be only possible from a unit of another brand. Keep well!

Sep 16, 2009
Yamaha Mo6
by: Alfred

Dear Scott: Dick's advice is the best for now. I'm not familiar enough with your unit to offer additional comment. I'm going to study the features included in the Mo6 and if I come up with any constructive questions or comments soon, I will be in touch. Keep well!

Sep 15, 2009
by: Scott

Sorry about that.I have a Yamaha Mo6.

Sep 15, 2009
by: Dick Rector

Hi Scott,

I agree for 100% with Alfred. How can we help with so little info???
Anyway if you are playing a Yamaha keyboard and you are looking for Synth. Voices my advice is to look up: and search in VOICES. You will find tons of them and with a bit of luck you find the sounds you are looking for.
Let us know!
Good luck.


Sep 15, 2009
SuperSaw Sound
by: Alfred

Dear Scott: A 'couple of us - participants of this Forum' - are trying to make it easier for you and others to elicit helpful info. In order for any positive feedback to get to you, may I suggest that you provide additional details as to what keyboard you are using, what features it may have to possibly produce the sound you want, etc.
Please interpret this comment in the constructive spirit in which it is meant. Good luck.

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