Right Keyboard

by Vijayan Supramaniam

Hi there. I do need your help here. I have been writing many song lyrics for my church and now I want to do music for it. I am planning to buy a music keyboard. Which keyboard model will suit perfectly for my mission? Just simple ones will do. Thanks.

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Feb 27, 2010
what to buy
by: Dick Rector

Hi Vijayan,

It is not easy to give an answer.
If you can play a keyboard you know what you are talking about.
To make a choice is also limited by the available funds, personal taste and the sort of music.
Church music can be very 'classic' but Rock is also much used.
Most keyboards can be connected to a amplifier trough LINE OUT or HEADPHONE OUT.
In a church of even a 'humble' size the 'onboard' speakers will not go very far, let allone if it is a big place.
No need to say I am a Yamaha fan being on this forum, but to be honest, I have never owned another brand myself.
There are many keyboards around from reasonable cheap to the big boys for a lot of money.
Basically they all to the same, but you get what you pay for and the more expensive ones do have a better sound-quality and can do a lot more and have much better and realistic voices' than the cheaper ones.
Also they have the possibility to add your text to the song and show that on a monitor, just like a karaoke-system. For 'rehearsals' a handy tool.
Best advice is to go to a good dealer and let them show you what you can do with the instrument that fits within the budget.
Hope this helps you a bit making a good choice.


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