Replace power adaptor - Yamaha PSR-340

by Elizabeth
(Charlotte, NC)

Where can I buy a new adaptor (PA-5B/5C/51) for my Yamaha Portatone PSR-340? I have lost the original one. Thank you.

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Aug 16, 2010
use a PA-6 adaptor on Yamaha PSR-340?
by: Elizabeth B

I have finally found our power adapter that we evidently purchased (separately) when we bought our PSR-340 keyboard several years ago. However, it is a PA-6, which is not one of the model #s listed on our Owners' Manual specs page. Does anyone know if it will hurt the PSR-340 to use a PA-6 adaptor (instead of PA-5 series)? Thanks for any help you can give me.

Aug 10, 2010
PSR 340 Adaptor
by: Alfred

Dear Elizabeth: Go to..........................

Just so as you know, this Forum is NOT AN ARM OF THE YAMAHA CORP.,and you now owe us frequent visits to help us grow!! Keep well.

Aug 10, 2010
Phone but not internet orders?
by: Elizabeth

Thanks for the tip about the phone order, but is there not some way to order it online? I much prefer that, if at all possible. Thanks again. Elizabeth in Charlotte

Aug 10, 2010
PSR 340 Adaptor
by: Alfred

Dear Elizabeth: Call Yamaha Parts Department
1 800 940 6606 to place an order via credit card. Visa, MasterCard, or American Express. Be sure to have the Model number of the product (Adaptor) available so that accurate information can be provided. When you set up your equipment again, feel welcome to come back to this Forum with other comments/questions. You will always be welcome. Thank you for the visit.

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