Paper pushed inside my Yamaha CVP501

by Neil O Connor
( Sweden)


My Daughter just pushed a sheet of paper in the gap between the keys lid and the top of the unit. its impossible to see it or get at it.
is there a risk that this can do some damage to my new clavinova?
please can someone give me some advice on what to do. I have not switched it on since then as the manual just give a warning 'not to put things inside the piano or on the lid as they might slide inside the piano causing a malfunction'

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Mar 10, 2010
Paper in Yamaha CVP 501
by: Alfred

Dear Neil: As the unit is new, and the manual says there is exposure to malfunction from any objects getting into it, you have done the correct thing in not switching it ON.

I would contact:

Yamaha Scandinavia AB
J A Wettergrensgata 1, Västra Frölunda, Sweden
Box 300 53, 400 43 Göteborg, Sweden (Mailing Address)
Tel: (46) 31-89-34-00 Fax: (46) 31-45-40-26

They will probably inform you which authorized technician is closest to you for quick contact.
Whatever fee is charged, consider it as money well spent, and see if you can apply gentle fatherly persuasion to keep your daughter away from the instrument. (Or rig some kind of guard
to protect the front of the unit from mischievious little girls). Good luck.

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