Keyboard Malfunction

by Beverly
(New Holland, Pa. USA)

The Yamaha PSR 740 Keyboard sometimes stops while playing a recorded disc. Also, in the middle of a performance using a prerecorded disc it switched from

the song being done to the no. 1 song on the disc.
The keyboard sits on an X stand and is played along
with the back-up music. The malfunction of the keyboard
doesn't seem to happen when it is playing a disc if the keyboard is not being played at the same time. I feel the problem might be too much vibration from insufficient support of the keyboard or that it might need to be serviced.
Any Comments?

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Feb 19, 2010
PSR 740 Misbehaving
by: Alfred

Dear Beverly: Dick Rector's comments are usually
valid and constructive. What he's pointing out should also be taken into consideration. It is definitely a possibility, and one of the first electronic checks after the physical checks I've suggested. We await your input after you've had a chance to investigate the possible reasons for the misbehaviour of your unit. In the meantime keep well.

Feb 18, 2010
malfunction keyboard
by: Dick Rector

Hi Beverly,

Maybe this is not the problem at all but I had two days ago a mail from a keyboardplayer in Australia with more or less the same problem.
Drive going on and of while playing at the same time sort of thing.
They found the problem in the powersupply!
Something was not working properly anymore and there was no sufficient power to feed the drive while the keyboard was played.
They changed (or repaired) the powersupply and the problem was solved.
Hope for you it is as simple as that.


Feb 18, 2010
Checking on Alfred's suggestion
by: Beverly

My friend and I will check on your comments regarding the Yamaha PSR 740 malfunctioning.
We'll check the stability of the X stand and also the possibility of it sitting on an uneven surface. We realize that both times the disc malfunctioned, the X stand was on carpet, not
a bare floor surface.
Thank you for your comments

Feb 17, 2010
PSR 740 Misbehaving
by: Alfred

Dear Beverly: Sorry forgot to identify myself in earlier post. I await your comments.

Feb 17, 2010
PSR 740 Misbehaving
by: Anonymous

Dear Beverly: From your comments, 1) The Stand may be wobbling if not sufficiently locked at its Knob at the "X" point. 2) There could be a loose internal joint which makes (maintains) contact only while playing the Disc alone, without the vibration when you play. interacting with the Disc (pressing of the keys). 3) You do not say if you are playing the Unit at a location different from where you used to play, as if so, the floor may not be level at the new location. These are initial points to check before you consider having the keyboard serviced by a qualified technician. Come back to the Forum with addtional comments after you've checked.

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