Is Clavinova piano good for a beginer to play on or to learn from

by Adrian

is it good for a beginer to play on or to learn from a Clavinova Piano or is it better to purchase a cheaper model?

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Sep 12, 2009
Thank you
by: Adrian

Dear Anonymous guides,
I thank you and appreciate your comments.
I understand better now and I am not sure if my daughter will stick to the piano or if she will go beyond the basics, so yes I prefer to go for a chaeaper keyboard,
thanks again.

Sep 10, 2009
by: Anonymous

If you don't have access to another piano, then a clavinova piano is a good substitute. It has almost the same abilities as a real piano, which is a more subtle instrument than most people realize. However, if you have access to pianos (such as at school or a university), and maybe don't plan to learn more than the basics, there are much cheaper keyboards out there.

Apr 07, 2009
by: Anonymous

I think so if you are sure they are goint to stick with it. They have a better feel than a keyboard and better sounds.

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