How to replace a speaker in a yamaha clavinova cvp 65?

by Amy S
(Santa Barbara, CA, USA)

My piano speaker sounds like it is going out. How do I diagnose the exact problem and where do I purchase the replacement parts to fix it?

The sound in the speaker goes away when the volume is turned down. It also seems to go away when being played in other "voices."

Thank you!

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Nov 23, 2022
Speaker-Sound issues NEW
by: Tatter Salad

I'm sorry to say that your diminishing sound issue doesn't fit the symptoms of a failed, or 'failing' speaker. [Failed speakers either 'flatly' go dead, or most often, begin to sound 'fuzzy,' or scratchy at particular frequencies and with higher volumes. The above issue(s) are indeed 'fixable' with a speaker cleaning, or a 'surround' replacement, or entire speaker replacement.]
Sorry to say, your symptoms represent a 'thermal' related issue, and rarely can be easily 'fixed' by someone without some electrical (amplifier and power supply) circuit experience.
Best of luck! Tate
If I were to 'advise' such a person, I would start with: Unplug system, access amp and power supply area; CLEAN the area of dust bunnies if present (and if present, then re-try). Test (with earphones) if the earphone level signal drops too, when speaker level drop; if both drop... cansider it a 'shorting component, drawing the power supply down.. making things worse, as the current then goes up. Capacitors in the power supply can do this; if no diminution of the earphone jack output, the volume drop is likely due to a component drawing too much current as it warms, and at such a slow reaction.. it's a relatively large component. HOWEVER some I.C.s can do this too... but they react within a minute. Next, obtain 'Spray Cool' type of spray coolant, (at least two cans). Safely power-up, and system has warmed-up, and volume decayed; (-the goal is to find which component is getting really hot fast-) then target key components sequentially with the spray; The goal here is to simply observe the 'frosting' on the components rapidly dissipate; (you could 'use your finger looking for 'hot components') but not with the power plugged in. Note too: when you are 'cooling' the correct component, the volume will come back up. Don't forget, sometimes it's a 'large' square I.C. that has this failure. The usual suspects are (first) large output transistors (possibly heat-sink mounted already), or even power supply components. Out put transistors are in 'pairs,' but only one usually fails, and thus betrays itself by getting much hotter than it's mate. If you opt to replace such an over-heating transistor... replace both. They may look identical, but there part numbers are not; don't put get them 'swapped.'

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