how do I get my user songs into an MP3 format so I can burn them to CD?

by Hyrum M. Allred
(Orem, Utah, U.S.A.)

I am using a Yamaha Portable Grand DGX-620. I have recorded five different user songs on the instrument then I moved them onto my PC. The file that made it to my pc using MSD is in .bup format and I'm not sure how to listen to it, much less how to turn it into anything that I can burn to an audio CD.

I'm curious if there is a program that alows me to open and listen to my songs in their .bup format or if there is a way to convert the audio files to MP3 or another format that I can burn to a CD or listen to with normal program?

Also, reading the manual for the piano, it says that when user songs are recorded that they are compressed with a PDF of sheet music; is this PDF compressed with the audio file as a .BUP? if so is there a way to separate them so I can print of the sheet music as well as get the audio into a manageable format such as MP3?

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Dec 21, 2022
by: Anonymous

Thank teacher

May 13, 2013
no MIDI input interface needed
by: Anonymous

The Yamaha DGX-620 has a MIDI/USB connection. Just connect your DGX with an ordinary USB-cable to a free USB-bus on your PC, install the USB-to-MIDI-driver (download from Yamaha-site)and you got your MIDI-connection.

For recording MIDI, use a sequencerprogramm (Cubase, CakeWalk, Fruity Loops or whatever).

With a sequencerprogramm you can record all MIDI-information track-by-track and in a comfortable way you can edit all the played notes and edit far more things then on the DGX-620.

May 13, 2013
Further suggestion
by: Anonymous

I have had the same trouble as the original post.

It appears to me that the .BUP generated from the keyboard is in no way accessible by any external devices. It is simply a way to backup what you have saved on the keyboard.

In addition to the idea of simply recording onto PC from your keyboard you can also use your keyboard as a MIDI output device. For this you will need to purchase a MIDI input for your PC. If you have a MIDI input this will give you the advantage of being able to post-produce your lines that you have initially recorded on the piano.

Hope this helps :)

Jan 02, 2011
BUP? pdf?
by: Thundercats


I donno about the BUP-files. First let me sort something out, 'coz. you are mixing-up dirffernet things.

1: You want to burn ur usersongs onto a CD, so you can listen to them on - lets say - your carstereo?

- use your audiocable and record the audio as a .wav file on your computer. Then create a audioCd project with ur CD-Bruning software and burn the audiotracks (the recordings of your userfiles) as cd-tracks onto a cd.

2: PDF-files are in no- way connected with audio and/or MIDI-files. PDF (Portable Document File) is a platform-undependend fileformat for creating documents (like Word-docs). U can open this pdf using a pdf-reader programm (Acrobat, etc). In this pdf you will see problably the score etc. of your usersongs. These u can printout.

Hope this answers your questions. If not, then i must have mis-understood some of your problemms. PLease try me again :)

Jan 02, 2011
use a sequencing programm instead
by: Anonymous

Why would u use 2 steps to record your midisongs?

You can connect your keyboard to your mac, using midi (or USB). On your mac you should install a midi sequencer programm (cakewalk/Cubase/Garageband or similar) and record all your tracks with that programm.

So there's no need to first record all your tracks into the keyboard and then transporting them to your Mac, 'coz. you can skip that step by directly record into midi-recordingprogramm on your mac.

Most users don't use the internal recordfeature of the keyboard, coz. they are mostly very limited in the editing possibilities. Editing/recording directly into a seqeuncer programm gives you so much better overview etc.

Jan 02, 2011
ypg235 MIDI to MAC
by: Anonymous

Is there a way to take user created songs (YPG235) from the keyboard to a computer, MAC, play with the songs, in MID format then save? Basically want to start with "creating" songs on the keyboard then move to MAC, them modify as needed. Also any specific S/W that I should use?

May 25, 2010
recording songs to MP3
by: Harry Cats

All you have to do is buy a audiocable with on 1 side a big headphone-plug and on the other side a mini-headphone-plug.

The big-one goes in the back (Phones) of ur keyboard, the small one u connect to the Line-in of your computersoundcard.

Get yourself an audio-recording programm (Audicity etc.). Now click on "record"in your recording programm and press play on your keyboard...The keyboard plays your song and your computer records the AUDIO, coming out of your keyboard (trough the cable is mentioned). Depending on the kind of recording programm u use, it can directly record to MP3 or sometime you have to convert the recorded audiofile (WMA?) to MP3..

Remember: u cannot record MIDI-information. MIDI is only key- and controllersignals and contains no audio. It is only a list of commands, send to the keyboard to trigger the right (internal) sounds and the right notes.

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