Driven by Yamaha history

by Connie

I have been a yamaha keyboard enthusiast for more decades than I wish to reveal. I only have about five keyboards remaining of the dozens I have owned. I am always driven to learn more about keyboards in general.

The amazing outpour of instruments is a challenge for anyone who is interested in collecting and understanding the value of older keyboards. This background brings me to the burning question. Does a definitive list exist which covers all the models Yamaha has produced?

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Nov 06, 2009
Yamaha History
by: Alfred

Couch it in terms of your loyalty (name as many of the Yamaha keyboards as you have owned) and stress that you are an accomplished Performer (which i'm sure you are). I'm willing to bet you you will get results. Good luck.

Nov 06, 2009
Yamaha History
by: Anonymous

Thank you very much Alfred for your sympathetic and meaningful response.

I am sure I will continue to discover more on this subject as I dig around. I have found some very interesting details on Yamaha models at the Yamaha Global Site. If one goes into the "Manual Library" you can download hundreds of manauals there. Of course this form of reference has drawbacks. There is no way to make a chronology from this and it is a ponderous method. Still, that is progress!

One reason for my interest is that after a lifetime of playing keyboards, I find that some models draw on my skill and knowlege in a good way (this also includes some of the very old models).

Nov 04, 2009
Yamaha History
by: Anonymous

Dear Connie: POSTERITY, not "prosperity" (though I wish you that too!). One further thought, address a letter to the Chairman of the Board of Yamaha. He/she might light a fire under someone's "derriere" to get the ball rolling! Good luck.

Nov 04, 2009
History Yamaha Keyboards
by: Alfred

Dear Connie: Thanks for response. Sorry I overlooked identifying myself in my original reply. Whatever the list you have compiled, I hope you preserve it for prosperity as I doubt there are other enthusiasts out there as avid as you. The list I have made dates only from 1962, and as you say, probably only of interest to the
"general public". You probably have already tried Yamaha, Japan. They must have records including the info you seek, and all it would take is some goodwill on their part. Keep well, and good luck.

Nov 03, 2009
more on Yamaha History
by: Anonymous

Dear anonymous,
Your choice word "hunting" is an understatement. I have been on Yamaha sites of many kinds for many years and have not found any List as described in my original post. I have been on the Motifator chat lines for years and also used the Vintage Synth Encyclopedia but it appears that a comprehensive list of Yamaha models produced in recent decades is available to the general public.

I only know that, as a serious keyboard performer and researcher, the huge number of models is overwhelming to the average buyer. If one delves into used models the list is long. What I mean by "comprehensive" is a list that includes all their electronic keyboards.

Nov 03, 2009
History Yamaha Keyboards
by: Anonymous

Dear Connie: Yes, there is a fairly comprehensive list (about 99% accurate). Google Yamaha Keyboards and surf the sites. Happy hunting.

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