Displaying notes played on Yamaha DGX 660

by Steven88

I upgraded a YPG 235 for a DGX 660. One feature I liked on the 235 was that it displayed the staff and the keyboard when playing (even outside of the lesson mode).

On the 660, I cannot get that display (except in lesson mode).Is there a setting to show notes on the staff on the main display while playing the 660?

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Jul 24, 2018
same issue
by: top40tom

I'm in the same boat, having also upgraded from the YPG-235 to the DGX-660. So far, no luck finding a way to show in display so my work around at the moment is to have my iPad connected with the Playground Sessions software open and I can use it to view notes I'm playing in real time. But yeah, not ideal and it's pretty inexplicable why that option isn't available on the considerably more expensive model.

Perhaps a firmware update can fix somewhere down the road? I sure hope so.

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