Crackling Noise on My Piano - Intermittent

by Carol
(Sask. Canada)

When playing my piano from time to time there is a crackling noise. I had my headphones on yesterday and it appears to be the left side. it won't do it for days, then yesterday 3 times...thoughts on what could be wrong??

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Apr 12, 2023
Thank you! NEW
by: Anonymous

Thank you for your suggestions - I will give them a try. I appreciate very much your response to my issue.

Apr 03, 2023

by: YKG

There are several potential reasons why your piano may be making a crackling noise. Here are a few things you might want to check:

1. Loose Connections: Check if all the cables are connected properly, including the audio cable that connects the piano to your headphones or amplifier. If any of the connections are loose, it could result in a crackling sound.

2. Dust or Debris: Check if there is any dust or debris that has accumulated inside the piano's audio output jack or headphone jack. This can cause a crackling sound due to interference with the audio signal.

3. Dirty Contacts: Over time, the contacts in the audio jacks can become dirty or corroded, which can result in a crackling sound. You may want to clean the contacts with a cleaning solution specifically designed for audio jacks.

4. Failing Audio Jack: If the crackling sound persists despite checking the above items, it could be that the audio jack is failing and may need to be replaced.

If none of these steps resolves the issue, it may be best to contact a piano technician or audio equipment repair specialist to help diagnose and fix the problem.

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