Connecting the Yamaha P-200 to Cubase (PC)

by Carlos
(Murcia, Spain)


I have tried to connect my Yamaha P-200 to my PC via a USB-MIDI cable (IN and OUT) in order to use the Cubase software, but it does not seem to work, as the software does not receive any MIDI signals from my Yamaha keyboard. In Cubase itself, I have selected USB-device and/or all MIDI devices as input and output sources but it simpy does not work. I have also selected the "MIDI THRU" function as active and set off my local Yamaha keyboard, but it does not have any effect on the respective connectivity.

What have I done wrong? Is maybe my cable out of order or maybe my Yamaha MIDI interfaces do not work?

Many thanks for your support!


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Jul 21, 2020
p200 problems with midi connection
by: Paul

I had the same problem where my computer was not recognizing my P200. Works now. Here's what I did. I switched cables around for the IN - OUT that plug into the back of P200. Basically, MIDI IN cable is now plugged into the MIDI OUT on the keyboard, and the MIDI OUT cable is plugged into the MIDI IN on the back of the keyboard. Email me if it's not clear.

Dec 16, 2008
Midi Test
by: Max Rubi

Connect P200 MIDI OUT to a synth or other keboard with MIDI IN. Make sure receiving device is set to receive same MIDI CHANNEL (there are 16 midi channels) P200 is exporting on. Or, set receiving device to receive ALL MIDI Channels (OMNI MODE).
If synth or other midi device responds to P200 signal, P200 MIDI output is good.
If no respond try new MIDI cables.
MIDI THRU is not something you need unless you want the signal to pass through PC or P200 to a third device.
Cubase is complex program and easy to make mistake.
USB cable is sometimes faulty, verify cable. Take it to music store and ask them to try it out for you.

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