Clavinova CLP-240 Frozen control panel

by Sue

All of a sudden our Clavinova CLP-240 is stuck in the last mode that was played. There is power and volume, but none of the other buttons work. Is there a way to reset the piano? How do we remedy this situation?

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Aug 29, 2018
Tuning issue fixed!
by: Anonymous

This fall when I returned to school, I was baffled that my CLP-240 was a half step sharp when untransposed. (I had always taken it for granted that one of the benefits of having an electronic keyboard vs. acoustic was that you didn't need to tune them!) After a quick Google search, I landed on this page. The easy-to-follow instructions about the C#-F-G# chord plus the metronome button worked! Thanks to all who contributed directions in the past!

Sep 19, 2016
It works!
by: Anonymous

Yes this works! I pressed C# F G# below middle C. Hold down that chord. At the same time, press the off button. Wait a few seconds, still holding down the chord, power back on. Then release the 3 notes, follow the directions someone posted above; the metronome button, etc....

Jul 12, 2015
It works!
by: Anonymous

My CLP-240's control panel has been frozen for years and I finally decided to give it one last go and the C# triad method works!

Mar 25, 2015
Please what exact keys to press
by: Anonymous

More Help Required Please!
For a full zero muzician-
- which keys (as I understood - left edge of a keyboard) - 1st white, 1st black... and so on to press?

Jan 21, 2015
Thanks for advice
by: Robyn

I also have a Clavinova CLP 240 that had frozen and thanks to this page I have it going again I thought I was going to have to go and get it fixed (after Grandkids had been on it)
You should press C sharp F and G sharp 3 from the lower end of piano than follow the other directions Once again Thanks so much for sharing this help

Aug 01, 2014
C Sharp Major
by: Anonymous

Jun 16, 2014
Huh?? NEW
by: Anonymous

I don't understand what "cis major" or "cis+f+gis" means? Can someone please enlighten me? Our keyboard did this exact problem and I am hoping to be able to fix it...but I have no clue what you all are talking about!


I'm guessing "cis" major was probably meant to be "C Sharp" major. The user might have tried to type the pound sign, for sharp, but the comment system output "is" instead. Just a thought!

Jun 16, 2014
by: Anonymous

I don't understand what "cis major" or "cis+f+gis" means? Can someone please enlighten me? Our keyboard did this exact problem and I am hoping to be able to fix it...but I have no clue what you all are talking about!

Apr 05, 2014
reset worked thanks
by: Anonymous

Totaly worked for me, thanks for sharing

Oct 06, 2012
by: Anonymous

Highest C + power on is working well for reset

Jul 24, 2012
Total factory reset for CLP-240
by: Anonymous


I had the same problem with my Clavinova CLP-240 and holding the uppermost c while turning the piano on did not help for me. So, I called to Yamaha's maintenance service and got these instructions:

*hold the cis major (e.g. cis+f+gis) from the third lowest octave while turning the piano on. There should now be 'rsr' on the display.

*Then use the metronome arrow up and go to 'r47' -test. Start the test by pressing the on/off button above the metronome arrows. If I now remember right, something like 'PAS' should finally end up to the display. If so, press again the same on/off button and you should now see 'r.4.7.' on the display.

*Finally, use the metronome arrow up once more and go to the next test 'r48'. Press on/off above the metronome arrows again and the reset starts. After a while there should be '120' on the display (like normally) and at least my piano started to work :).

I hope this will help you!

Jan 05, 2009
by: Anonymous

Try to make a factory reset.
The procedure is in your owner manual and is something like holding the highest C during power up.
Good luck

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