Can a 85 year old man learn to play piano?

by William L. Edwards
(Burnaby,BC, Canada)

I have gone to most of my grandchildren concerts, Band, & Piano. I declared that GrandDad is going to learn to play piano. Much rolling of eyes and snickering behind hands. Sent for Scott houston's Fake Book #2 and received same. Went to a piano teacher and suggested 88 keyboard? Since I want to play nice old time easy songs like Laura, Ruby, Breaking up is hard to do, the first time ever I saw Your face Ect. Do I need an expensive 88 Key board, or will a 76 key, 61 key portable do the job?? Have been interneting Yamaha Portables?? need Guidance here? My Wife played Piano many moons ago. Suggestions Please.

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Jul 02, 2009
To OLD???? for what!!!!
by: Dick Rector


Can a 85 year old...... Yes of course you can!!

Someone said 'When you don't learn something new every day, you have been most likely the same way your whole life'.
If you have not played before and would like to play quickly easy melody's my advice is to go for a 61 key and not too complicated keyboard. No connection with them whatsoever but I have been a Yamaha-fan for many years and they do have a great selection!
What model to choose is very much depending on your wishes and pocket-money! If there is a good dealer near you let them demonstrate. If you listen to the build-in demo's you will get a good idea what the thing can do!
With the left hand in the 'accompany'part you can play full orchestra, bigband or little 'combo' with just ONE finger. And the keyboard is doing the 'Intro's and Endings and some others 'gigs' for you.
The same for the right hand for the melody! ONE FINGER is enough.
Why not a larger keyboard with more keys?
Too much trouble for what you want!! Look at proffesional performers, for most of them 61 keys is more than enough.
If you push a button the whole keyboard plays anyway as a normal piano or organ or violin orchestra or one of the other hundreds of voices build in.
There are many thousands of world-famous songs with only 3 accords, that is 3 different keys to press with the let hand.
Let them giggle, your grandchildren, they will be surprised when you give very soon a hell of a performance.

Good luck with your study!

Dick (a grandpa of 5)
Dutchman in Bali

Aug 17, 2009
85 year old can learn to play the piano.
by: John Pierre

Dick said it well. My thoughts exactly. Let us know your progress.

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