How to fix Yamaha P-105 digital piano sound problems?

by Patrick
(Montreal, Quebec, Canada)

This makes me so desperate and angry; i've bought it brand new (few years ago) but only been able to play a few times before it eventually muted totally. At first i was able to retreive sound for once using the manual's trouble shooting but then, after my son played on it, i've lost it again and this time i'm running out in circles; no sound at all, it's totally muted even if the lights still working. Frustrating isn't it?

I wonder if the problem is that i once tried to plug (upload) data on my computer? or could it be the pedal switch problem (i've already noticed the reverse problem? Or is there a fixing patch to download that could reinitiate / reinitialize the custom / default sounds?

The store in wich i bought it - Archambeault music (Montréal) - won't repair it unless i'm willing to ship it and pay for it without knowing at what costs (they told me it would cost fees on a rating level per/hour!

I'm even willing to pay you if you could come personally fix this problem at my place (Montreal, Quebec, Canada). Otherwise, we could maybe do it virtually using skype?

Thanks in advance

Patrick C.

P.S. Also speaks french

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Aug 12, 2023
Solution NEW
by: Pierre luc larouche

A tu essayé de maintenir power-demo/song et metronome/rhytm ensemble au moment de le brancher ou en l’allumant. J’avais ce problème et j’ai essayé ça et ça fonctionné. Voici mon e-mail si tu as des questions:

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