Yamaha Graded Hammer Standard vs Graded Hammer

by JP

Hi, I am looking to buy either a Yamaha YDP213 or Clavinova CLP220. I am a true beginner.

So far the only differences I have spotted is this one:

Yamaha YDP213 has a "Grade Hammer Standard" keyboard
the CLP220 has a "Graded Hammer" keyboard.

Which one is better? is GHS lighter than GH ?

Do they feel the same ?

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Dec 16, 2008
Graded Hammer
by: Max Rubi

Even the most expensive hammer actions start to make a little noise after a while. An acoustic or real piano makes an awful lot more mechanical noise than these electric examples. You can bury the operating noise by turning up the volume or by using headphones, if that fails it could well be you just aint cut out for music.

Oct 12, 2008
The Graded Hammer Standard keyboard can sound noisy
by: Anonymous

I have a Yamaha keyboard with a Graded Hammer Standard keyboard, and it's started to become very "clicky" sounding after less than a year. This is proving to be very irritating, so if you can afford a piano that has the Graded Hammer keyboard, I'd recommend you buy it rather than one with the cheaper Graded Hammer Standard keyboard.

Jan 14, 2008
not sure if this helps!
by: Anonymous

I have been wondering the same thing and called Yamaha support to see if i could find an answer.

what I was told is that they are very similar but the GH is better built and therfor put in the higher end keyboards.

I was told they should feel the same(perhaps the GH being slightly faster) but the GHS may be slightly noisier

not sure if this helps! it wasn't much help to me but thats the responce.

whether there is any real difference I dont know

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