Yamaha EZ200 Midi Files

by Wayne Hunter
(Gt Yarmouth, Norfolk, England)

Hi, I have got a Yamaha EZ200 & have purchased a U2Midi In/ Out cable, I also have got Midi songs on my computer that i want to transfer onto the keyboard, Please tell me how I do this. Thanklyou

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May 09, 2022
thanks! NEW
by: Anonymous


Jan 09, 2012
by: Anonymous

hi 2 u all

the piano yamaha ez 200 is a midi (1) channel midi
you can get vanbasco's karaoke player to play the midi if you sie the midi ( 1 ) burning dan it wil play it voor you

Dec 26, 2009
yamaha support
by: Anonymous

I contacted yamaha support people, and they said if you have the usb-midi cable, and the yamaha software, then whatever you play in the software, will light up at the keyboard. in other words any midi file can be played and nothing has to be transferred anywhere - just download a midi file from the internet, and let yamaha software play it.

Dec 26, 2009
Not available on yamaha EZ 200
by: Sean

I read in 3-5 places on the internet, you need the next model up. I think its the EZ 250.

It took me an hour, its kinda kept quiet.

I am exactly with you. I am actually VERY disappointed with the songs also. 100 songs & only 6 are modern. For instance, in the classical section they have duel versions of Ava Maria. (i.e. using two spots) if that gives you a taste of how bad it is!

My wife got it for me / for Christmas, I will break the bad news to her and maybe return it.

Its nice otherwise. (stand and power cord extra)

Sep 10, 2009
same here
by: Anonymous

Except I dont have the keyboard yet. If it's possible to transfer our own songs downloaded from the internet, I will buy it. If anyone knows, please help. Thank You.

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