Yamaha DGX230 Keys and Volume Level Problem

by Sara
(Hendersonville NC USA)

After several years of my Yamaha DGX 230 working perfectly, I have a strange problem. All keys below Middle C sound loud and clear until I use the style settings and then the volume totally disappears below Middle C. Playing just the Grand Piano the entire keyboard sounds fine. What in the world has happened? Have I changes a function setting (usually change nothing except the transpose setting)? Thanks

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Nov 20, 2022
Maybe do a RESET?
by: Jay

If you don't have lots of other changed settings in place, try doing a factory reset on all the settings. If you did inadvertently change a setting that is affecting volume, just reset everything to the defaults. With the power off, hold down the upper most white key and turn on the power. This will reset everything.

Nov 19, 2020
Keys not working correctly
by: Anonymous

I thought that it was the contacts under the keys to start with but realised that that it was the ribbon connectors into the top cover section. After taking off top cover, either wiggle the ribbon connection plugs in their sockets or remove and replace them..... should do the trick....

Jan 14, 2019
DGX230 volume dropping
by: Anonymous

I have a DGX230 which started having problems, first was couple of keys would not sound to the right of middle C, I fixed that problem by running
and pressing all the white keys from right to left in a fast motion while power is on and that made it so those keys that were not sounding before to start working.
My other issue that I haven't solved yet is about after 10 to 15 minutes of playing with styles on all of a sudden the volume drops off to about half way. I don't know if power supply is going bad or is the volume control. If anyone has had this issue and resolved it please post, I love this keyboard and I do not want to junk it.

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