Using UK keyboard in Canada

by Kathy T
(London, UK)

I know that you can use computers easily in other countries by just changing the plug. Can you do the same for a keyboard? (eg I have a Yamaha keyboard and would like to take it back to Canada with me if I could use it without a transformer)

Thank you

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May 15, 2009
Sustain pedal
by: Dick Rector

Hi again Kathy,

No thanks, my plessure.
You did not mention the type or model keyboard you own but I am sure you can use it in Canada without a problem. And it is simply not the keyboard but the powersupply you have to look at.
You don't need to know much about voltage but let me be your Guru in this case if you allow me. These power-supplies are made to be used worldwide and that's why the voltage-range is made between 100 and 240 volt.
As example: America uses 110 volt and England and Europe uses 220/240 volt, so they are both within that range.
If Canada uses also 110 OR 220/240 volt, and it does for sure!!, you have no problem whatsoever. In the worst case (very, VERY unlikely)the only thing you have to buy is a new power supply and that is a lot cheaper than a new keyboard.
The worst case is for instance: IF your power supply says ONLY 'INPUT 220/240 volt and IF in Canada they use 110 volt it will not work because the input-voltage will be to low.
I hope this makes it clear to you.

RE: Sustainpedal.
If it is a Yamaha pedal with a (big) jack plug, like you find on older type headsets, it is very much standard for most Yamaha-models. I am sorry but I don't know anything about other brands.
Hope this helps you!
Let me know.

(Dutchman lives in Bali)

May 15, 2009
Using sustain pedal in Canada
by: Kathy T

Thanks so much for your info Dick. I guess my UK keyboard will have to stay here. I will take the stand with me though.

Now, another question. I bought a sustain pedal seperately. Would this be able to be plugged into a keyboard in Canada?

Thank you from someone who does not know very much about keyboards or voltage!
Kathy T

May 14, 2009
by: Dick Rector

Hello Kathy,

Have a look at the power supply for your keyboard.
If it says somewhere 'INPUT 100 - 240 volt 50/60 HZ' or something similar, you can use it without a problem almost anywhere in the world (indeed like most computers). As England uses these BIG 3 pin plugs, you only might have to change the plug or 'easier' use an adapterplug for a Canadian wall-outlet.
Good luck.

Dick Rector

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