Use a different power adapter for Yamaha P80

by Philipp

Our power adapter for the Yamaha P80 is broken and in the country we reside we only get the PA-3C adapter. The P80 comes with the PA-3B. Is it possible to use the other adapter? It has the same voltage and output.

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Aug 17, 2011
Yamaha PSR-80
by: Anonymous

Thanks everyone....the PA-3c adaptor works just fine on my Yamaha PSR-80.


Aug 17, 2011
Using a different adapter
by: Philipp

I ended up with a cheap adapter I found in a shop. I couldn't get an original adapter from the Yamaha shop in the city where I live. They didn't sell it or order it.
I was told that the adapter needs to have the same input/output. So I just looked around for one that fits into the plug at the keyboard and has:
Input: 100-240VAC, 50/60Hz
Output 12VDC 1000mA
! Important is that little strange sign - ⎯(●⎯ + (no clue what it stands for. But has to be the same like on the old adapter)

So far it worked fine. Actually better and longer then the original one.

Aug 16, 2011
PSR 80 Power Adaptor
by: Joseph

Hi - Can you let me know if the PA-3C adaptor works/worked for the Yamaha PSR-80 keyboard?


Nov 28, 2010
Power Adapter For Yamaha P80
by: Anonymous

If it has the same power and current, also the same size connecting plug, you can use it.

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