Trying to repair defective Yamaha S80

by Ruben H.
(Sola, Rogaland, Norway)


I have an issue I'm desperately trying to get fixed.

I just bought myself the "vintage" Yamaha S80, knowing that it was partial broken.
The recent owner told me that he dropped it on the floor and it landed on the audio jack-plugs , so there's no sound coming out from it.
The display is fully functional, so are all the knobs (except the volume-slider) and the midi connection is also working, but still, no sound.
After opening it, i'm finding some small damage on the JK circuit board, so I've been looking for a new one. This seems to be a bigger challenge than I thought, since they stopped the production in 2002 (I think).

Do anyone know where I could get my hands on a used one?:-)
Or, does anyone have an other idea of how I can fix it?

Ruben H.

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Dec 11, 2021
Opening S80 for repair
by: Richard C

How the heck do you get it open? The service manual is terrible. (Having been a tech writer in the past, My opinion is based on professional experience.)

The instructions don’t seem consistent with what is isabel when you turn the board over. I’m stumped.

FYI, purchased it used thru eBay.

Any help would be much appreciated.

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