Sheet Music Stand for Yamaha Motif XS8?

by Kevin
(Orange County, CA)

I'm considering buying a Motif XS8, but I'm surprised that there is no place to put sheet music. Is there a stand that can be attached to the keyboard? I supppose I could just put a regular sheet music stand behind the keyboard, but I would really rather have one built in and attached to the keyboard. Thanks.

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Dec 11, 2010
Music Stand for Motif 8
by: Ben

I have a Motif 8 and needed a music stand. This was my work around. I have an Ultimate brand keyboard stand. I bought accessory parts that attached to the stand in the event that you wanted to mount a second keyboard above your main keyboard. I adjusted the arms to near vertical so they could hold a music rest rather than a keyboard. I made a music rest out of cabinet grade plywood with a 1-1/2" piece of wood mounted to the bottom edge to hold the music, then painted it all black. Mine is almost as long as the keyboard which works well when I am arranging etc. I have had mine for 8 yrs not sure whats available. Go to, type 450389 in to the search window. This is a similar stand to mine.

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