PSR-E323. FLASH MEMORY. FLASHERR Error when transfer .midi or .sty files.

by Carlos Mora
(Bogotá, Colombia)


excuse me english ... :S

I buy the keyboard PSR-E323 and begin to use this and all features. I buy the MIDI USB cable, xmidi 1x1 tab USB MIDI cable from Creative, it's works fine.

But when i try copy midi files to flash memory, the keyboard display the filename and few seconds after display FLASHERR, :S

I can copy the backup file from the kb to pc with yamamha filedownloader, but i can't copy from kb to pc :'( ... (files from yamaha)

I think that the memory is set read only (physical or logical)... because when i try change de file system name the kb display read only ...

the questions are:
the flash memory from my kb work fine?
the cable midi usb is bad? this works fine in syntesia, fl y others from pc to kb and pc to kb, and test this with MIDI-OX
the cable driver is bad ... i download the lasted dversion from creative for all windows versions.

exists another software that permit copy files from pc to kb?

Helpme please


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Apr 01, 2015
how to detect errors on psr yamaha 2000?
by: Anonymous

how to find the errors on psr yamaha 2000??

Dec 07, 2012
PSR-E323. FLASH MEMORY. FLASHERR Error when transfer .midi or .sty files.
by: Carlo

I resolved the problem changing the usb-midi cable. It works fine with M-Audio Uno cable, and with another cable that I bought on lightinthebox shop. I think that it could be a speed or current problem when the yamaha proprietary protocol try to send the files to the keyboard.

Nov 22, 2012
by: Carlo (Italy)

The Keyboard worked fine for a few months. But yestarday I had the same problem: I can't anymore move midi files from pc to the keyboard. I can rename midi file names. The Keyboard works well with Syintesia or others software... I didn't understood if it is a cable USB-MIDI problem, a transfer files problem or a writing flash problem...

Oct 27, 2012
The same question
by: Anonymous

I have the same problem. :(
Please help me!

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