PSR vs. YTP Yamaha keyboard

by Lynn Vogel
(Houston, TX)

Am looking for a mid-level keyboard, and can't find anyone who can help me understand the difference between the PSR series and the YTP series--are PSRs the latest model line?


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Sep 18, 2009
by: Anonymous

Dear Lynn: The PSR E 413 is, I believe, the successor to the PSR E 403 which I own. To bore you with additional comments: The 413 has a few more Bells & Whistles (very few), and has a good reputation so far. Maybe you want to consider A NEW 403 if you can find one. The Owner's Manual for the 403 is atrocious because it is obviously a very poor translation into English from its original language. Most manuals on keyboards originally made in Japan are an abomination with mindless editing, disjointed sequence and a nightmare especially for a beginner. If you compare the two keyboards, you will probably not notice much physical difference; and as I said, if you examine the features offered by both, the added ones of the 413 may not really mean much. I can also inform you that either unit will amply qualify for apartment-sized dwelling use. Further, if you connect (use the Headphone Jack)the unit for sound reproduction through an external amplifier, be ready for a mass exodus of your neighbors. Keep well.

Sep 18, 2009
by: Lynn

Thanks, Alfred. That certainly seems to be the case--no rhyme or reason at all. I think I'll end up with a PSR E 413 next week. That seems to be the best compromise for an apartment-size keyboard with good playability and computer connectivity. Don't need a controller or synthesizer, just want something that's reasonably playable, portable, and interacts with software like Garageband.

Thanks for the comments.

Sep 17, 2009
by: Alfred

Dear Lynn: Yes the Keyboards and the Owner's Manual are ":one and the same". To tease your mind further, be careful when comparing codes used by Yamaha. There doesn't seem to be a standard switch-and-match pattern of their model numbers when assigned to either the PSR or YPT prefix!

Sep 15, 2009
by: Anonymous

Thanks very much --the puzzle is a little clearer! The models look very similar, one someone commented that the manuals are the same, so likely just a difference in distribution channels.

Sep 15, 2009
Yamaha Codes PSR vs YPT
by: Alfred

Dear Lynn: I own a PSR E 403, and I know that the PSR stands for PortaSoundRegular. I also know that this very same model is marketed through Yamaha Distributors as the YPT 400. It could be that the distinction is made when the unit is sold through other outlets. I do not know if these codes are used to identify "newer" releases, but I don't think so. Hope I haven't added to your confusion. Do some research and post an additional comment on this Forum if you discover more info, so we can all benefit from it. Thanks.

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