music stand for Yamaha PSR S700

The music stand that comes with the PSr S700 keeps falling off the keyboard. This is due to just normally playing the keyboard. The vibratons of playing makes the stand and music on it go flying off about every 15 minutes. Any suggestions?

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Dec 16, 2011
A Cheap Fix, Perhaps, to PSR-700 Stand Falls
by: compton3c

I need this stand, as I got a second-hand psr-700. Glad this question was posed. What could come to my mind is perhaps wrapping layers, however many necessary, of tape on the male end of the teeth, or stab points of the stand itself, then place in slots where there's a moderate "bind" to help hold it in place. Using screws or something seems less-than-ideal as a bump or accident would snap it, and hopefully a type of slight bind would hold it sufficiently in place but come out with excessive pressure. Hope this small idea helps,


Jan 07, 2010
PSR S700 music stand problem
by: Maree

I found that by having only one book at a time on the PSR s700 music stand, it will function quite well, that is too hold one book at a time. However, when doing gigs, the stand has become detached due to people brushing past or as you say, vibrations of other kinds, tend to dislodge it

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