Comments for I need help with my PSR E323 Yamaha keyboard can't connect it?

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Dec 27, 2010
PSR E323 Yamaha
by: Gmoney

I'm having the same problem but if you have the manual you will get connection.
I have :)!!

Dec 22, 2010
Solve your problem
by: Brinthcore

I have same problem before, its just your cable that not compatible with PSR E323. Try to change with another merk/series cable coz i did it and working properly.

Aug 23, 2010
by: Anonymous

I too have this same problem. It is not USB problem because the USB Midi cable is recognized by windows (or Linux). The problem is the data transfer from the PSR E323 to the computer itself.

Jun 03, 2010
PSR E 323
by: Alfred

Dear Nela: While I too am not familiar with the PSR E 323, I believe Dick's comment re the DRIVER
is the problem. Unfortunately if we are correct, you may have to search for the software (probably a CD) to set things right. Good luck.

Jun 01, 2010
PSR E323
by: Nela

The keyboard does not have a usb port but the cable that i have is a in and out with a usb end. I connected the cable into the keyboard and the other end into the laptop, then i opened the music downloader but it keeps saying "failed when i check the connection. About the driver i went to the website where yamaha and it wont install b/c it says its not reading the instrument. I have no clue what to do. But thanks for trying i appreciate it.

Jun 01, 2010
by: Dick Rector

Hi Nela,

I think (guessing) you did not install the correct drive in your computer. Not familiar with your keyboard: Do you need to use the midi in out for what you want to do? Does the keyboard has an USB connection???
If it does, why not load your midi's onto an USB-stick and then load them in your keyboard.


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