How To Record a CD of Playing P90?

by Jarrod

I have a Yamaha Digital Piano, P 90 and was wondering if anyone could tell me how I can play on the piano and make a CD of my songs. I have the Finale' program and all the cords for that, but can't figure out how to record a cd of my playing.


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Jul 13, 2008
Recording from your P90
by: Anonymous

My recommended way, other than the Audacity program, once your keyboard is set up, and sounds the way you like , is to connect it directly to a CD Burner, their are many models available, E-Bays a good source for new and used
units. You can connect to your best outputs, Headphone Jacks, etc. Directly to your analog inputs on the back of the CD Recorder. usually these are the RCA type connectors. These cables are usually readily available from your local Radio Shack, and/or possibly Wal-Mart, or many places that sell consumer electronics. Once your connected, engage your record button, but not the record mode, Usually by pressing " Play " . Play a couple of bars of your song, watch the meters on your CD recorder, make sure the signals don't exceed the recording limits, usually indicated by
orange or red lines at the end of the metering bars.
Once your levels are set, either by adjusting the CD recorders input knob, or your Keyboard's output volume, your ready to record. Keep in mind, if your volume get's to loud, perhaps by a more aggresively played performance, or causing
one of the volumes to go up, you'll hear some distortion on your playback. For this reason, I'd highly recommend using a Re-Writeable CD to do your first recording on, then you can erase it one track at a time till all your tracks are recorded. Some experimenting might be in order till you figure it out, but it's a sound way to record your works, once your master is made, don't forget to " Finalize " it, then your can make all the copies you'd like using something like your " Record Now " function, available on most computers nowadays. Be sure to get the owners manual with your CD recorder, they're a lot of help .

Hope this helps , and Best of Luck with your new project....Piano Man Jeff

May 31, 2008
record it with free Audacity
by: Anonymous

For audio, Run a cable from the best output on the Yamaha, to the line-in on your soundcard or computer motherboard. Audacity is a free audio editor, worked on for many years, takes 30 minutes to get familiar with the menu options and interface. After recording, and editing if desired, export your audio as .wav (standard CD format, or mp3, or some others. Lame is a standard free mp3 encoder you must install for that import/export aspect. Audacity opens with a stereo recording track, but does not look like it,
connect cables, press the record button with a mouse, and start playing, you'll see the waves as they record. Many options to learn beyond 30 minutes for basic stereo...cheers

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