How to open a Yamaha CLP-122 Clavinova

by Rob

Does anybody know how to get inside a clp-122s. I appreciate I am probably being a bit dim, but here goes.

the school I work in has been donated the aforementioned keyboard. However something must have happened in transit as the instrument has no power. I have changed the fuses with no effect. I believe the power cable has met with some trauma. Now all I have to do is get in to the instrument. There are hinges at the back implying that the circuitry could be accessed from the top. However I am too dumbass to find which screws release the lid.
Can anyone help.

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Jun 06, 2018
same problem
by: Anonymous

Hi, have you ever resolved this problem, i have the same issue

Jul 09, 2016
How to open a CLP-122s
by: Romain

Hello ,
There are two big screws under the piano, one one the right , one on the left, close to the front side of the keyboard. Unscrew them in order to release the top panel.

Mar 10, 2016
Metal blots on the bottom front of the piano
by: GRRaffe


I had this problem myself, as a fuse had blown on the second circuit board. There are 2 really long bolts that are situated on the bottom of the piano , near the front (i.e. not near those hinges). They are metal in colour (i.e. not painted black like all of the other bolts and screws). The hings actually opens upwards from the front of the piano, once these 2 long bolts have been taken out.

I found this out after I had undone all the other screws... :-|

I think my power supply is causing the F2 800mA fuse to blow, and I'm trying to fins a solution to this now. If you have any similar trouble, it would be great to find out if you find a solution!


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