Copying styles and voices

by Mike Burke

How do I copy styles and voices from my psr 2100 to my laptop?

I am pointed to different sites that say 'this will do this, and that will do that', but nothing is clear. Anything I have tried just won't work.
I would be very grateful for any help. When I plug the psr 2100 into the laptop nothing happens, no message to say a device has been plugged in, nothing.
How do I get the laptop to 'recognise' the psr 2100?

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May 04, 2010
copying styles and voices
by: Dick Rector


You can copy voices and styles etc. easy to a medium on your keyboard via a floppy, or USB-stick or whatever it has. Than copy that onto your computer.
In the 'old days' computers had floppydrives but now you have to get an (inexpensive) external floppydrive with an USB connection. That is how I did it with my PSR2000.
I also changed last year my floppydrive for an Floppy-USB-emulator and that solved all the problems but is a bit more costly.
If interested send me your mailaddress and I will send you a zipfile with all the info about it.

To host into computer doesn't work anymore (not for me that is) and I went trough the expense having a rs232 - USB converter with no success either.
I don't know the answer to that.


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