Can i upgrade my Yamaha keyboard

by Sandeep
(Hyderabad, Andhra Pradesh, India)

Im havin YAMAHA keyboard PSR-2100... Can i upgrade my insturments as PSR-3000..? Plz somebody rply me......

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Dec 11, 2009
Upgrading keyboards
by: Anonymous

Dear Dick

i am not asking to make a psrs550 keyboard to TYROS by upgrading the software.but we can add some usefull options by that

for example PSR 550 has an option to change the tones of the style files(tracks from 9 to 16)

But PSR S 550 doesnt have this option. This doesnt need a hardware upgradation

i tried using some external styles in S550 but it is not sounding good, so i wish to change the tone of rythm tracks. but we cant change that in psrs500

By the way Dick i wud like to know about urself
if u dint mind you can contact me in

Dec 10, 2009
by: Dick Rector

Hi Boney,

You are 100% right and I wished too it was possible!
Many keyboard players around the world have the same question to the manufacturers.
The point is MONEY, and that is the same with any brand.
If a factory makes 'cheaper' keyboards with a possibility to Upgrade to a better one.... there is no reason for them to make more expensive hi-end keyboards. Why should they?
It is as I said before, upgrading from a bicycle to a car is not possible even when you ad two extra wheels.

Many newer models use 'drivers' and YES they can be 'modernized' if someone finds a better use and YES that might improve the performance of the keyboard. And YES again you can download styles and voices from other models and brands to be used. Sometimes you are amazed that THAT is YOUR keyboard making that 'fantastic sound.
But it was in there all the time! It only came out because of something the player did.
That does not mean the keyboard is UPGRADED.
I have nothing to do with Yamaha or any other brand but I wish with you it was possible.

Take care

Dec 10, 2009
Keyboard Upgrading
by: Boney

Mr. Dick

My friend who has a roland keyboard told me that from time to time roland is leasing updates from their keyboard.
After purchasing his keyboard he found a lot of feature he expected (which cannot be checked or we will not remeber to check at the time of purchasing) was not there and he was planning to sell it.

Later when he upgraded his keyboard, lot of his problems are solved.

So i think yamaha also has to follow such usefull things for its user

Nov 11, 2009
by: Dick Rector

Hello Sandeep,

I don't want to sound rude but the short answer is no, that is not possible.
The same as you can't upgrade a bicycle to a car.
And why should you? You have one of the finest keyboards still around!
However if you are looking for styles etc. from the higher in rank keyboards, go to and you will find many for free to download.


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