3 Keyboards to Choose From: DGX-500 or P70 or S80

by Andy
(Albuquerque, NM, USA)


We are looking to buy an 88-key, weighted action keyboard for our daughter to learn on, and for my wife to play using her very mid-level beginner skills. And, who knows? Maybe I will try to learn also. Our daugther's piano teacher says we need an 88-key, weighted action keyboard, or a regular piano, and our research tells me Yamaha is the way to go.

Our local Craigslist has 2 Yamahas for sale, and of course, both ads say the keyboards have been used veyr little and are in excellent condition. They are:
1) S80: keyboard and soft case only: $375
2) DGZ-500: keyboard, stand (it looks to be one piece), and bench: $400

The 3rd keyboard is in a local music store:
3) P70: keyboard only: $350

Any thoughts as to which one to buy if they all play and are in similar condition?

We are leaning towards the DGX-500 because it looks the nicest and has the "built-in" stand, plus a bench. But, if either of the other 2 keyboards have features or specs that make a huge difference we'll go with oen of them.

Thanks for getting back to us.


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Sep 06, 2009
Thank you
by: Anonymous

Hi, Thanks for the thoughtful reply. I will do some further reading as you suggest. This is not an inexpensive item to buy and more info is better.

Sep 06, 2009
Choosing a Keyboard
by: Alfred

Dear Andy: You've done your homework, researching the three Keyboards, which have 88 weighted keys. (since you don't want to incur the wrath of the piano teacher!).
Barring loss of the chance to buy the Units available through the Craig's list, and supposing you really can't be in that much of a rush, I recommend further research. 1) Start by reviewing the Index to the left of this message.
Do not narrow your choice to 88 keys. I believe that STARTING from 61 keys up, will satisfy all three of you. Also, many Yamaha keyboards include a touch-sensitive feature simulating weighted keys. 2) Armed with what you learn, visit Ebay listings to learn more about "asking" prices,and make sure your final decision to buy includes: Guaranteed Working Condition, Owner's Manual, Power Adaptor,and RETURN OPTION. I am a self-taught keyboard player (Yamaha Electone Spinet, Yamaha PSR E 403 and Casio CTK 611)and have been tickling the ivories for 30 years. I am not an expert, and my comments are offered only with the best of intentions. Good luck.

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